
YMMV.  The energy capacity, Amp Hrs, of a cell is very useful and you need
to know the nominal cell voltage to go very far with it.  Indeed you can
get 200AmpHr at 3.2 V, no problem, as an example.

2 cells in parallel gets you the sum of amp hrs at the nominal voltage.  2
cells in series gets you the Amp Hrs of the least cell and the sum of the
voltages.  So you really don't want a lot of variety in a pack between the
capacities of the cells or parallel cells that are in series.  The series
is only as good as the weakest link.

A pack made with laptop cells is whole boatload of nominal cells in
parallel to get the AmpHrs needed, and then those are duplicated in series
to produce the voltage you desire.

Once you have the voltage for the system, you can measure the amps and time
to tell how much might be left to use or to be charged - at that particular
pack voltage.

KWhrs is more or less as you surmised KVAHrs.  When you are talking about
grid power you want to know the KWh because that is what you pay for, so
the charging and making traction come together at KWhrs.

AmpHours may be a good way to look at your "gas tank."  And KWhrs your
wallet.  These are operating numbers.

But there is a  lot of $$ getting the AmpHrs as a capital expense (an up
front expense) when you buy or build the EV whatever the voltage.

I hope if I have made any errors or too gross oversimplifications that the
corrections come quickly.

On Wed, Jul 9, 2014 at 2:17 AM, Larry Gales via EV <>

> I know that   watts = amps * volts,  and watt-hours (wh) is a measure of
> energy, but over and over again I hear people talking about EV batteries in
> terms of amp-hours.  What does that mean if you don't know the voltage?
> 1000 amp-hr is not impressive if the voltage is, say, 0.00001 volts.  Is
> there some sort of standard voltage, e.g., 3.6 volts, that is assumed when
> one talks about LiON batteries?  Does amp-hours tell you something more
> than watt-hours?
> Thanks in advance,--
> Larry Gales
> --
> Larry Gales
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Michael E. Ross
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