On Sun Aug 10 17:13:02 PDT 2014 ev@lists.evdl.org said:
>Going the DC route doesn't make sense anymore with a AC motor and controller
>for $2500.00. Add to it with a 18kw li-ion battery pack for $4000, and you
>have a major beginning of a conversion. The old fork lift and golf cart die
>hard's have bit the dust after promoting their state of the art and cost
>saving ideas. And all of those that downplayed the J1772 upgrade, have now
>sent their projects to the junk yards, but they saved a buck. It is like
>everything else, if you cant do it right, don't do it.

So, there is a AC drive system that can dish out 200HP for accelerating?  For 
less than the cost of a new Tesla Model S?

My Z2K and Dual Impulse 9's, with a LiIon battery pack does just fine.  (and I 
have a 50A capable J1772 inlet, and station.)
12KW fast charging is nice.


Tigers prowl and Dragons soar in my dreams...
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