Most posts in this thread are vastly underestimating the immense inertia of 
the status quo.  

The petroleum industry has a huge investment in filling station 
infrastructure, and a huge revenue return from it.  If EVs really catch on - 
and that's not a given, for many reasons - they are not going to stand by 
and watch their profit base erode.  

They will use their media partners (ad revenue is a powerful motivation) to 
push paid public charging as "safer."  A few sensationalized stories about 
home fires and electrocutions vaguely associated with EV charging will go a 
long way, and they won't stop there.

They will form astroturf "nonprofits" to promote paid public charging.  

They will use their legislative influence to get laws passed that encourage 
paid public charging, if they don't explicitly discourage or even ban home 
charging for as many people as possible.

We are up against a hugely profitable industry.  Do not think that these 
things will not happen.  

David Roden - Akron, Ohio, USA
EVDL Administrator

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