Ok, we've seen both sides of the "wasteful" range question. Let me pose this: how close to saturation are we for the market of people who can afford and are willing to have an additional car just so they can buy a short range (50+ miles) for local driving.

That is, how many people are left who will buy a short range EV with the justification they also have an ICE car for longer distances?

Let me be sarcastic: under the ideal world I'd have about 10 vehicles: my bicycle, maybe an e-bike, a small 1 person EV, a small 2 person EV, a 4 door sedan EV, a 4 door sedan ICE, a pickup truck, a van. Lost count, is that 10? Then, I'd use each vehicle most efficiently.


------ Original Message ------
From: "robert winfield via EV" <ev@lists.evdl.org>
To: "jerry freedomev" <freedo...@yahoo.com>; "Electric Vehicle Discussion List" <ev@lists.evdl.org>
Sent: 09-Mar-15 2:31:41 PM
Subject: Re: [EVDL] EV range needs, future best options

some Florida seniors routinely make 1,100 miles trips up and down the east coast, and elsewhere
On Sun, 3/8/15, jerry freedomev via EV <ev@lists.evdl.org> wrote:

 Subject: [EVDL] EV range needs, future best options
 To: "Electric Vehicle Discussion List" <ev@lists.evdl.org>
 Date: Sunday, March 8, 2015, 11:45 AM

         EV range is interesting as so
 many new factors.  While long range is nice for those that
 actually need 100+ miles/day, most just don't need over
 120 miles I see as a sweet spot for most.        For
 many just a 60 mile range EV can work as many in Fla seniors
 only use Golfcarts and NEV's now as their only
 transport.        And for the few times more is
 needed a RE using cleaner fuels or Alum/Zinc-air primary
 batteries are already proven to give 1,000 mile range just
 EV builders refuse to put in the brackets, plug or space for
 them like a trailer hitch mount.         We really
 need to get these alum/Zinc air RE available as already
 proven, just need a market to sell them.  Between EV's
 and home, building  markets if available would be a killer
 app.        As fairly light 50lb modules could be
 sold near anywhere including gas stations just exchanging
 the spent one with a reformed one.        This is
 complicated as EV batteries shrink in weight, space both
 which have been improved 30% in the last few yrs and likely
 to double range/lb of battery  in 3-5
 yrs.        Next building eff EV's gliders by
 cutting weight by 50% with better aero can cut battery
 weight, cost/100 miles by 50% even with present EV lithium
 batteries.        The GM Ultralite, Toyota 1/x,
 Solectria Sunrise, Visio.M,  and other composite
 body/chassis show the way.         Sadly the i3
 weighs more than a same size steel car  from really bad
 design using an alum frame instead of just bolting
 everything to the CF body.  Since it has to pass crash
 tests the body has to be strong enough to carry the other
 loads anyway.         So half the weight, drag
 EV's using half the weight EV batteries with 2x's
 the capacity  even 200 mile range would be low cost,
 practical.         And in 5 yrs likely to be in
 production as by then oil will likely be $5/gal but EV's
 need cost no more than a gas car because of these but only
 20% to
 Jerry Dycus

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