From: Ben Goren via EV <>
> the hydro niches are long since already developed

Without arguing with your main point that PV is the largest market, I think 
your statement is not true and unfair to those who do have microhydro potential.

Relatively small streams can generate household amounts of power. I built a 
weir and did a flow test on the seasonal stream behind us, and I estimate it 
could generate close to 20 kW, November through March. That's 72 Megawatt-hours 
annually. That's enough for all the electricity needs, including some electric 
baseboard heat, for over two households -- hardly an amount to neglect!

Micro-hydro remains the most economical, trouble-free way for anyone with a 
stream and 100+ feet of head to obtain electric power. Granted, only a small 
minority meet those specifications, but I would submit that most of those are 

:::: Nature has optimized the best way to optimize solar energy for maximum 
power through photosynthesis. -- Mary Logan
:::: Jan Steinman, EcoReality Co-op ::::

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