I think the discussion on self driving cars here is very short sighted.  I 
think it will be the most exciting development in personal transportation over 
the next 20 years.  I think the situation will develop like this:

Initially, the cars will just emulate humans that are good drivers.  They will 
be polite, paying attention, following the rules, and have faster reactions 
than humans.  They will slow down when traffic slows, they will stop at stop 
signs, etc.  Since they are paying attention all the time, that automatically 
puts them in the top 50% of drivers.  Their biggest challenge will be dodging 
the crazy humans around them.  During this time, they will also have to figure 
out where the road is, when completely covered with snow.  That's a challenge 
for humans sometimes.

As the number of self driving cars increases, their environment will become 
more predictable.

Eventually, there will be a back channel wireless communication system that 
lets the cars contact the other vehicles in the area.  That is when things get 
really interesting.  If a car doesn't answer back to inquiries, it must be 
human driven and the cars will leave it a larger margin of space for 
unpredictable actions, and follow human driving rules.  If all cars are self 
driving, they can operate by different rules.  For example:

  -  On a green light, all cars rollout together.  No need to wait for the car 
ahead.  Each car knows when they will all roll.
  -  Approaching a 4 way stop, the cars negotiate crossing order ahead of time 
and go through without stopping.
  -  Merging from 3 lanes down to 2 can be done efficiently, without all the 
backups, delays and jockeying that happens now.
  - Cars up ahead on the road can warn following cars that a deer has been 
spotted.  That allows them to start adjusting before their sensors detect it.

I am sure this is just scratching the surface.  Imagine how things could change 
when every car is in contact with the others, and can count on full cooperation 
to do as expected.


On April 6, 2015 12:09:33 PM MDT, Electric Blue auto convertions  via EV 
<ev@lists.evdl.org> wrote:
>The day Im forced to get into a self driving car is when I take my shot
>gun and blow it away . the very thought if a SDC makes me vomit 
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