On 10/01/2015 10:50 AM, k7...@seanet.com wrote:
Don't forget Wally Rippel, Robert Aronson, and Ron Gremban.  Wally
organized the 1968 Great American Electric Car Race between MIT and
Caltech.  Bob Aronson built limited production (40 ?) of Mars II Renault
electric car conversions and many other EV prototype cars as well as
supporting others in reviving EV interest.
In addition to this public suggestion, I've had several private suggestions. Thanks to all. I know very little of most the people mentioned.

I was thinking that a good approach would be to create a wikipedia page, EV-Pioneers or somesuch, with a bunch of stubs to each identified individual and hope that someone with some knowledge of the individuals would come along and create the appropriate pages. Not having any experience creating wikipedia pages, I started reading:
And decided this was likely to go MUCH slower than I first thought.

So, if someone has some experience worthing with wikipedia.........

My my new wikipedia username is wmckemie.

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