Jack Richard came to this conclusion years ago. He said Li-Ion batteries work 
better hot. It's in one of his videos I watched. I don't remember details but 
it was during all the Leaf problems in Arizona.

Sent from my Verizon Wireless 4G LTE smartphone-------- Original message 
--------From: brucedp5 via EV <ev@lists.evdl.org> Date: 11/17/2015  2:19 AM  
(GMT-06:00) To: ev@lists.evdl.org Subject: [EVDL] A math formula can model 
li-ion pack aging, Pyrite pack 

'Cheap-materials fool’s-gold pyrite battery'

Simple mathematical formula models lithium-ion battery aging
Nov 11, 2015  Penn-StateU,Volvo Group Trucks Technology

Hybrid electric vehicles, cell phones, digital cameras, and the Mars
Curiosity rover are just a few of the many devices that use rechargeable
lithium-ion batteries. Now a team of researchers has a simple mathematical
formula to predict what factors most influence lithium-ion battery aging. 

Lithium-ion batteries function by moving lithium ions from the negative
electrode to the positive electrode and in the opposite direction when the
battery charges. How often and exactly how that battery is used determines
the length of a battery's life. Complex models that predict battery aging
exist and are used for battery design. However, faster, simpler models are
needed to understand the most important factors that influence aging so that
battery management systems in hybrid electric vehicles, for example, can
better control lithium-ion batteries. 

"We started out by making models specifically for Volvo's batteries that
were tuned to their specific chemistry and showed that the models matched
experimentally," said Christopher Rahn, professor of mechanical engineering,
Penn State. "We then focused on simplifying the aging models. Now, we have
the ultimate simplified aging model down to a formula." 

According to Rahn, a battery ages, or degrades, whether it is sitting on a
shelf or used. The main cause of lithium-ion battery aging is the continuous
formation of the solid electrolyte interphase (SEI) layer in the battery.
The SEI layer must form for the battery to work because it controls the
amount of chemical reactions that occur in the battery. As the battery is
continually used, however, small-scale side reactions build up at the SEI
layer, which decreases battery capacity -- how much of a charge the battery
can hold. Models allow researchers to understand how different factors
affect this degradation process so that longer-lasting, more cost-efficient
batteries can be made. 

Hybrid electric vehicles combine the efficiency of electric vehicles with
the power and longevity of gasoline-powered vehicles because they have both
a gasoline-fueled conventional internal combustion engine and an electric
motor powered by batteries. The electric motor uses regenerative brakes,
which take the energy that was moving the car forward and convert it to
mechanical energy, putting the electric motor into reverse and slowing down
the car. The electric motor acts as a generator and takes the electricity
that is generated to store in batteries for future use. This is in contrast
to conventional braking systems in which braking energy is wasted when
friction converts the energy into heat. 

According to the researchers, this new simple aging formula takes into
account only the factors shown to most influence lithium-ion battery aging
by affecting growth of the SEI layer, which include state of charge, how
often the battery charges/discharges completely, operating temperature, and

"Car companies can use this formula to quantify which factors are
contributing the most in aging and focus more on them and less on all of the
other factors that don't play as much of a role," added Tanvir Tanim,
graduate student in mechanical engineering, Penn State. 

As part of the study, Tanim and Rahn compared the accuracy of their formula
to that of more complex models using commercially available batteries. They
found that their simple formula works just as well. 

"Whenever you simplify a model, there are some things lost," said Rahn. "We
have complicated models because they are very accurate. As you simplify, you
have to justify every assumption that you make. I wasn't sure we could
simplify the model down to a formula. It's pretty amazing to explicitly see
how things depend on one another." 

Rahn and Tanim have already seen the benefits of having a simple formula to
model battery aging by using it to show that increasing the temperature of
lithium-ion batteries in hybrid electric vehicles extends the life of the
battery, which is contrary to what most researchers think. This effect was
something that Volvo had previously seen with their batteries, and using
this aging formula, Rahn and Tanim could explain why. 

Learn more at the next leading event on the topic: Electric Vehicles:
Everything is Changing. USA 2015 [
] on 18 - 19 Nov 2015 in Santa Clara, CA, USA hosted by IDTechEx.
[© idtechex.com]
Simple mathematical formula models lithium-ion battery ...
Oct 30, 2015 - Now a team of Penn State researchers has a simple
mathematical formula to predict what factors most influence lithium-ion
battery aging.

 ... Colloquially called the “fool’s gold battery,” it consists of iron,
sulfur, sodium and magnesium. Considering that all these elements are in
plentiful supply, the experimental battery should be a lot cheaper than the
ones currently on the market. This means that giant storage batteries could
be built on the cheap and used stationary in buildings or next to power
plants, for instance.

The team of researchers, made of Maksym Kovalenko, Mark Walter, and their
colleagues at Empa’s Laboratory of Thin Films and Photovoltaics, have
combined a magnesium anode with an electrolyte made of magnesium and sodium
ions. Nanocrystals made of pyrite - more commonly known as fool’s gold -
serve as the cathode. Pyrite is a crystalline iron sulfide. Scientists have
found that the sodium ions from the electrolyte migrate to the cathode
during discharging. And when the battery is recharged, the pyrite
re-releases the sodium ions.

The result? Storing electricity. EMPA claims this so-called sodium-magnesium
hybrid battery already works in the lab and has several advantages. For one,
the magnesium as the anode is far safer than highly flammable lithium ...
[© 2015 SoftNews NET]

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