On 19 Nov 2015 at 1:31, paul dove via EV wrote:

> Instead of defining
> battery End of Life (EOL) as an arbitrary percent of capacity loss, we use the
> cycle number when the battery voltage hits 3.6V/2V (maximum/minimum) voltage
> limits. This is the practical limit of operation without reduced performance.

My spidey-sense tingles at that.

Maybe non-plug hybrid designers really don't care about battery capacity 
(though that woiuld surprise me).  However, for true EVs, we definitely care 
about usable capacity.  Where I come from, we normally define battery EOL as 
when capacity falls below 80% of specification.  

Any time a researcher (or a "researcher") redefines a key performance 
measurement, I immediately suspect that either he's talking about something 
that doesn't apply to me, or that he's attempting to reach a desired, pre-
defined conclusion.  Show me why neither is the case here.

David Roden - Akron, Ohio, USA
EVDL Administrator

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