Bill replied:

> As I said before, you have made a case that there may be a market for a
> high-performance convertible EV. Why build the whole car when you can
> modify/customize an existing car and get exactly what you believe there is
> a market for?

Great idea Bill. What 2-door sports car do I start with? ;^) A hacked up
4-door Tesla is nowhere close to "exactly what you believe there is a
market for". If someone wants a 4-door EV let em just buy a Tesla and keep
me out of what I think is a money losing proposition.

BTW, I AM starting with an existing car and modifying it. It at least has
the right number of doors and already comes as a convertible.

> Buy Tesla, chop off the top, and install a very nice custom convertible
> (or removable hard top, or a T-top.) See how much you can sell it for to
> test the market.

There are a few reasons why I do not want to  go that route:

1) It's a *4-door*. I want a sports car and nowhere in my definition of a
"sports car" does "4-door" fit.
2) The cost of entry is too high. I would spend my entire budget and end up
with a useless (to me) 4-door convertible.
3) It's a* 4-door*.
4) I can't say "I designed it and built it". At best I get to say "I hacked
up a Tesla."
5) It's still a *4-door*.
6) I don't think the market for a 4-door convertible is a good measure of
the market for a convertible sports car.
7) It's still a *4-door*.
8) I already feel bad enough when I see a nice C5  driving down the road
and I say "I actually hacked up one of those to do my project!" Think how
bad I'd feel having hacked up a Tesla.
9) It's still a *4-door*.
10) I'd MUCH rather own my car as an ICE than a hacked up Tesla *4-door*
11) I laugh at the idiots that in the past have built *4-door*
convertibles. I have no desire to be the butt of my own jokes. ;^)
12) You could be right and there isn't a market for my car. I'd rather have
my car as a limited range EV than a *4-door* convertible.
13) I'm not a fan of the Tesla body style (even if it DIDN'T have *4-doors*).
I'd have to rebody the thing to get what I want.

Bill, I'm not saying your approach wouldn't work, but I can't see investing
all that money and time building something I don't want and I don't think
there would be a market for it. Then I'd be stuck with the stupid thing.

Remember, I started my discussion asking if a $10k Leaf would be a good
starting point. The intent there was to keep my cost of entry as low as
possible for my prototype. I could buy a LOT of used Leafs for the cost of
a Tesla! Luckily someone mentioned the form factor of a Leaf battery pack
sucks. I didn't know that. If it won't fit between the rails of a truck
frame it sure won't fit inside the confines of a sports car.

Seriously Bill, I'm just looking for advice and help. But telling me to
scrap my project and build what you think I should build doesn't help.
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