Hi Bill and All,                                I agree 
with you EV's should be aerodynamic but in reality, most are not that good. 
Take the Leaf they say is .28cd but tests prove it is higher.  And why it uses 
nearly as much a the much large, heavier Tesla S that is .                      
          Next while some Mustangs, Corvettes are not great, some are fairly 
aero and with some tweaks, very aero.                                And aero 
is in the details. One can be a very aero shape but badly done door seams, 
wheelwells, window attachments, etc can kill it.                                
                 Jerry Dycus                              

      From: Bill Dube via EV <ev@lists.evdl.org>
 To: Electric Vehicle Discussion List <ev@lists.evdl.org> 
 Sent: Thursday, January 14, 2016 1:09 AM
 Subject: Re: [EVDL] Leaf donor car? Re: Books on converting a car to ev?
If you are going to sell them after you build one of your own, it is 
going to be very difficult to beat the Tesla on performance, safety, and 

You want a convertible, cut the top off of a Tesla. Do it very nicely 
and neatly of course, but that would be your best option. Sell that 
customized model of a Tesla, using the same business model as van 
conversions, stretch limos, and bulletproof cars use.

One thing that you are not taking into account is that all OEM EVs are 
_very_ aerodynamic. (No exceptions.) This is directly related to range, 
the cost of the battery pack, the weight of the battery pack, and the 
cost of the car. A car with crappy range simply won't sell. Likewise, a 
car with a heavy (and expensive) battery pack to make up for a bad Cd 
will take a performance hit because of the extra weight, and won't sell 

    ICE cars really don't have to be aerodynamic to sell well. Poor 
aero doesn't impact the purchase price, or the weight of the vehicle, 
and doesn't alter the performance appreciably. All that really changes 
is the EPA estimated mileage. The customer doesn't care mostly because 
he doesn't think that far ahead.

    Thus, if you want a "classic" or "sporty" or some other styling, 
you can't sacrifice aerodynamic drag to achieve it. You must carefully 
style the car to achieve the desired look, while being very very 
aerodynamic. Not easy to do, but you must to build an EV that will 
actually sell. To sell, it must have range and performance and be 
competitive in cost. That, in turn, requires that it have a low Cd. 
Thus, a Mustang or a Corvette won't work. Awful Cd.

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