Aside from debating about who is more rude, petty, or immature, what Musk did 
should be illegal in the US. IMHO  

    On Thursday, February 4, 2016 5:38 PM, brucedp5 via EV <> 



'An annoying customer simply isn't worth the trouble'
'Play nice, or at least be polite'

% I passed on this news item for several reasons, one being the media played
it up too much without doing the research to know who Alsop2 was [
] and what was he spewing like a Donald wannabe (Trump or Sterling, you
pick). If Alsop2's time was that important to him, he should have just left.

Musk stopped short of wasting anymore time on him (with a spanking, or a
case of whoop-ass that Alsop2 deserved) and just walked-away (dissociated)
from the loser. I feel Musk took justifiable corrective action, and Alsop2
got what he asked for.

[Sidebar: I am reminded of the goings-on in the sea of cubicals at 1980's
hi-tech companies, when a jr., inexperienced, unproven female Software (SW)
Engineer came over to the senior (he was a SW God) Engineer's cubical (where
I was waiting on him to finish what he was doing so I could do his
CE-required task). She verbally accosted (laid-into) the Senior, 'that she
did not appreciate that she was given the interviewee early, that it screwed
up her day's schedule' (this was when there were few female Engineers, and
they were unprepared for the ways of hi-tech industry teamwork, etc. - today
is different).

The Senior turned to me and said, 'She could have just asked them to wait
until she was ready', meaning she vented on a team member (redirecting her
responsibility, laying blame for her decision on someone else), and she did
it to a Senior she would need help from sometime in the future, instead of
acting like a person living in the real world. He shook off her abuse, and
he took me to the problem he wanted me to resolve.

In the above environment, she was burning too many bridges by her actions.
Later, I found out she had left that company to work elsewhere (or it was
uncomfortable for her to stay because of her own unacknowledged

IMO, Musk removed an annoying-tick, and stayed focused on the humongous
issues to be resolved on his desk. Because of the slow-down of good EV
stories (automakers are not pushing for CARB credits right now, etc.), that
has made the media bored and willing to make a big-deal out of anything to
keep their editors pleased (that their writers are working/earning their

Below are newswires that give a little more detail on this topic:
FEB 3, 2016  STEVE HUFF ...
California-based venture capitalist Stewart Alsop recently discovered ... If
you criticize the man behind the coveted all-electric Tesla, get ready to
have him pull a soup nazi from Seinfeld [
] move and say, "No roadster for you!"

In September 2015, Alsop took to Medium to tell Musk that the billionaire
should be ashamed of himself for the way Musk handled the Tesla Model X
Launch Event. "Starting a 7:00pm event at 8:50pm is simply unacceptable,"
Alsop wrote, "particularly when the invited guests are actually your
customers!" For Musk to rise "at 8:52pm and not even acknowledge" he'd
"wasted" time "was insensitive and poor judgement," he continued, laying
into Musk for not apologizing to people like him, "who put a $5,000 deposit
on your new Model X." 

It took until the end of January for Musk to respond, but he certainly
dropped the hammer when he did, canceling Alsop's order for a Model X. In
his follow-up Medium post on being "Banned by Tesla," Stewart Alsop wrote
that he'd spoken with Musk and understood that the mogul took the VC's
potshots personally. Musk, Alsop wrote, is "not comfortable having me own a
Tesla car." So now Alsop is cursed to stick with his old Beemer [ice]:

 I understand that, by writing this post, I am making certain that I will
never be able to buy a Tesla. Since we had our conversation, I looked around
and realized that it is not possible to buy the equivalent of or even a pale
copy of the Tesla Model X (or Model S, for that matter), which is real
testament to how distinctive a product your company has produced. Indeed,
I’m likely to just keep driving my irritating BMW X1.  [-Alsop]

It was hard to not imagine Musk stifling a bored yawn when he tweeted that
coverage of the fracas was probably due to a "slow news day," reported the

Elon Musk @elonmusk
Must be a slow news day if denying service to a super rude customer gets
this much attention
RETWEETS 2,492  LIKES 8,669
12:41 AM - 3 Feb 2016

Taking something personally in this way isn't too new for Elon Musk—he's
even had Twitter spats with fellow billionaires like Amazon's Jeff Bezos,
defending SpaceX's primacy in the commercial space travel sphere.

So buyer beware, maybe? If you really want that smooth-as-silk Tesla to show
off to friends, maybe play nice—or at least be polite. It could be that the
Washington Post was onto something with its suggestion in September that
Musk take what could be a much-needed vacation.

h/t Guardian [
]  [© 2016 Maxim Media]

'An annoying customer simply isn't worth the trouble'
A customer was so annoying that Tesla decided not to sell him a car
February 2, 2016  Jordan Golson
A reminder about the possible downsides to complaining about customer
service on the internet: you know how a customer can decide not to buy
something from a company with terrible service? That works the other way,
too. A company can decide not to sell its product to an annoying customer.

In particular, companies with a hot, in-demand product can decide that a
customer simply isn't worth the trouble. At least that's what we're getting
from this piece on Medium by venture capitalist Stewart Alsop. In it, Alsop
claims that Tesla canceled his order for a Model X SUV, asserting that it
was because of an earlier post where Alsop criticized Tesla CEO Elon Musk
for starting its September Model X launch event nearly two hours late (and
for not providing food).

Alsop's Medium stream is full of articles criticizing companies and their
products and customer service. It's likely that many of those companies
deserved the criticism. But if a company is so terrible and you have
reasonable alternatives, why keep buying stuff from them? It seems that
Tesla embraced that same mantra, and decided that Mr. Alsop simply wasn't
worth the trouble.

And with production of the Model X appearing to already be behind schedule,
dropping one order means everyone else will get their Model X a little bit
[© 2016 Vox Media]
Complained Elon Musk - Tesla received his orders underlined
2016-02-03  Venture capitalist Stewart Alsop sent an open letter of
complaint to Elon Musk. Shortly thereafter, he was informed that his order
for a Tesla car had been struck ...

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