When I was visiting Las Vegas in 2012, they had chargers in specially set aside 
primo parking area at the Las Vegas Sands. They looked so good, I even took 

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 From: Gail Lucas via EV <ev@lists.evdl.org> To: ev@lists.evdl.org Subject: Re: 
[EVDL] Hotel Chargers Date: 4/27/16, 6:59 PM

If you happen to be coming to Las Vegas there are quite a few options. 
On 4/27/2016 6:25 PM, via EV wrote: 
>  Possibly, but in both cases I explained several ways, slowly, and clearly (I 
> think) what I was looking for.  In both cases they were completely clueless, 
> as if (and probably so) they had no idea what an electric car was. Now, this 
> was the reservation line and they probably have a very defined set of things 
> they do. But on the other hand these were two big hotel chains. I thought at 
> least after a few rounds of confusion they would turn me over to a supervisor 
> or something. It will be interesting to see if my emails to corporate get 
> responses. 
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