From the point of view of most people, it's a reasonable problem -
whether you own the long-range car or rent it. Not that many 200kW (pick your wattage) chargers would be needed respective to the number of drivers on the roads. Certainly you wouldn't need that capacity at home - how many miles can you drive around town in a day - and the existing L2 is sufficient for almost everyone. But, on a long trip, yes.

If we're going to shift away from ICE vehicles, we going to need some other technology that can deliver long ranges and quick "refill" times. That could be fuel cells (though not with the current technology). Or it could be BEVs. Regardless, the 300 or 400 mile range is a necessity. In my opinion, it's less about matching what current drivers are used to with ICE vehicles. It's more about what a person wants to endure while traveling. How fast, how long without a break, how long a break. (I'm a wimp when it comes to sitting in a car - 2 hours is plenty for me, though a 15 minute break is sufficient.)

So, assuming a certain number of long range drivers on the road, it is fairly predictable how many high speed chargers would be needed along freeways and major highways. Once we have the battery technology and the chargers exist, it becomes a different discussion as to whether one rents or owns a long range vehicle.


------ Original Message ------
From: "dovepa via EV" <>
To: "EVDL Administrator via EV" <>
Sent: 13-May-16 4:31:17 AM
Subject: Re: [EVDL] EVLN: Prof. Clare Grey defending her LiO2 (fluffy carbon) battery paper

I am saying that if you got the energy efficiency of a Tesla you would need a 120kwh battery to go 400 miles at least and maybe more. A Tesla charger they say on 110V outlet you get 5 miles range an hour or 80 hours to charge and on 220 V you get 30miles of range an hour 13 hours to charge. On dual 220 volt chargers you get 60 miles an hour 6.5 hours to charge and on a supercharger you get 300 miles range in an hour or an hour and 20 minutes to charge. So, without a Tesla you options are diminished in charging options and your best bet is a chademo at 60kw per hour. And how often do you drive 400 miles and do you want to wait that long to charge? We might go over 80 miles in a day four or 5 times a year and over 400 miles in a day say once or twice a year. Most people I know you BTW don't even own an electric car will rent a car for long trips so as to avoid car problems. Got an issue call the rental company.
They are trying to solve a problem that doesn't exist.

Sent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone
-------- Original message --------From: EVDL Administrator via EV <> Date: 5/12/16 10:20 PM (GMT-06:00) To: Electric Vehicle Discussion List <> Subject: Re: [EVDL] EVLN: Prof. Clare Grey defending her LiO2 (fluffy
  carbon) battery paper
On 12 May 2016 at 6:21, Paul Dove via EV wrote:

 You would need 150kw battery or so. You can't get that kind of power
 out of the grid ...

I wouldn't be so sure of that. Three modern houses have a maximum power
capacity of 144kW, within hailing distance of 150kW.

Admittedly it's pretty unusual for a house to max out its service, and for 3 in a neighborhood to do so would be really extraordinary. But consider that some "mcmansions" have 96kW service. I'm sure they wouldn't have paid the extra installation bill for that big a service if they weren't exceeding 48kW on a regular basis. (That's a staggering amount of power for any one
family to be sucking from the grid, BTW.)

Or are you perhaps mixing up kWh and kW, and expecting to charge a 150kWh battery in less than an hour? In that case you would need more than 150kW.
That's a different problem, but I wouldn't call it impossible to solve.

 and how often would you need to drive 400 miles.

Any time you go on a long trip.

Another way of looking at this is that every time we increase range, the customer moves the goalposts (to mix metaphors). As soon as most EVs have 300 mile range, they'll insist they need 400 miles, and so on. I doubt that any of them will be satisfied until EVs have as much range as ICEVs and can be "refueled" at least as quickly. Even then they'll no doubt find some
other reason that EVs just aren't good enough.

David Roden - Akron, Ohio, USA
EVDL Administrator

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