Essentially, an ICE fire is not newsworthy because we /expect/ them to
catch fire. An EV, on the other hand...

Best regards, -- Cal Frye, /Be an Internet Sceptic/ Stop. Think. Connect. - Be at least as safe on the Internet as you
are crossing the street!

"You will do foolish things, but do them with enthusiasm. --Colette.

> *From:* damon henry via EV <>
> **
> An electric car fire is news because it is still somewhat of a new
> phenomena and the risks are not well understood. People have been
> driving around with a huge tank full of gas in their cars for their
> entire lives and seen way more ICE car fires than they likely ever
> will see EV car fires. An ICE car fire is no longer sensational or
> headline worthy.
> Damon

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