Hi Mike etc,


The cell voltage longevity data is from the previous email I sent to the list 
regarding www.batteryuniversity.com data (can’t remember right now, wrote down 
the article number when I sent it from my iPhone).  


I was questioning the 2013 Leaf manual assertion that charging the battery to 
80% resulted in a longer lasting battery, looking for *real* data (since they 
dropped the requirement in 2014 – apparently for marketing MPC reasons).  But 
the Battery University data says that charging to a slightly lower final cell 
voltage of 4.05V is 1200-2000 cycles (*much* more than 4.1V = 600-1000 cycles, 
4.2V = 300-500 cycles) and since the Leaf actively balances, not just at 100% 
it seems that the Nissan assertion that *80% charging* (especially when doing 
short distances like my son does daily at 16 miles) makes sense.  Cor I think 
mentioned that at “100%” for the Leaf is 4.12V so that’s in the 600-1000 
cycles.  Si *if* you believe the data charging at 80% (2K cycles) will result 
in a battery that will last *twice* as long as one that is charged to 100% (1K 
cycles).  (May not be exactly twice since the 80% cycles are, well 80%).



Have a renewable energy day,




Mark E. Hanson

184 Vista Lane

Fincastle, VA 24090

540-473-1248 phone & FAX, 540-816-0812 cell

REEVA: community service RE & EV project club

Website: www.REEVAdiy.org (See Project Gallery)

UL Certified PV Installer

My RE&EV Circuits: www.EVDL.org/lib/mh 




From: Michael Ross [mailto:michael.e.r...@gmail.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, October 05, 2016 7:16 PM
To: Mark Hanson; Electric Vehicle Discussion List
Subject: Re: [EVDL] Best charge rate for longevity


Can you share link to the webpage you are referencing?


I don't believe you can measure voltage and calculate such a thing.  Voltage is 
simply not a very good way to determine SOC.


Charging to 100% is not going to cause a "thermal event." High temperatures 
caused by large discharge (which lowers the SOC) is one way to get them hot.  
Some chemistries (early Leaf for example) deteriorate at an accelerated rate 
when charged to a high SOC, AND exposed to too high an ambient temperature - 
such as gridlock in Phoenix where they experienced poor life performance of 
early Leafs.


Pay attention to the "AND."  100% SOC or temperature alone may not damage a li 
ion cell.  But so much of thise depends on thigs we don't know, can't know, are 
told incorrectly, and so on.


You pretty much should use whatever procedure the EV manufacturer says to use 
for charging a pack.  Don't try to second guess them. You are unlikely to 
accumulate the necessary information to do it in a more effective and rational 
way. In numerous cases with older BEVs the manufacturers are working from their 
own poorly conceived testing and basic understanding.  Presumably newer BEVs 
are better, but who knows.  I trust Tesla, but not sure about anyone else.


On Wed, Oct 5, 2016 at 4:34 PM, Mark Hanson via EV <ev@lists.evdl.org> wrote:

Thanks folks

So if the Leaf charges at the 100% setting to 4.12vpc and 80% to 4.05vpc and 
battery university says max life of 2k cycles is at 4.00vpc then I should 
change my charge cut off at 80% for daily short trips of 15 miles typical.  
Plus since balancing occurs all the time there's no need to charge at 100% 
except for long trips
Best regards
Sent from my iPhone
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Michael E. Ross

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