This author complains about a lot of niggling little issues with the car, 
but if you discard all the literary indignation, there's really only one 
usable fact in the article: There aren't yet as many places to charge an EV 
as there are ICEV filling stations.  

When you know this, doing an 800 mile trip in a 185 mile range (as predicted 
by the car's own guessometer) EV is kind of like setting out across the 
Nevada desert in an ICEV with 2 gallons of fuel.  

Actually, I take it back.  There's one other fact here that's worth knowing. 
"After 103 miles, we showed only 70 miles of remaining range."  This means 
that the Bolt's real-world range prediction based on her previous driving 
was accurate within 6%. That's pretty good for a guessometer.  The author 
doesn't say it, since it doesn't fit with her relentless negativity, so I 
will: kudos to GM's (Daewoo's) Korean designers for that.

The general public eat up stuff that bashes anything new and different.  The 
vast majority of vehicle owners avoid real innovation -- including EVs -- 
and they love being told that that's the "right" choice.  If you're an 
author looking for a nice fee, or a website looking for advertising page 
views, a crybaby whine-fest like this is just the ticket.

That is all.  

David Roden - Akron, Ohio, USA
EVDL Administrator

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