Other sources of insight are bentrideronline.com and recumbents.com.  Both
have forums specifically for velomobiles, which is what you're building.
Recumbents.com also has a lot of info on racing HPVs, which will get into
efficiency, etc.  IHPVA.org might be a good source too.


On Sun, May 28, 2017 at 2:53 PM, Lawrence Rhodes via EV <ev@lists.evdl.org>

> I'm looking at options for my Terratrike.  Mid vs hub seems to be the
> thing.  Seems bike systems are only 80% efficient.  Has any one had good
> success with efficiency as well as speed.  I'm looking to top out at 30mph
> with a 20 inch wheel. Is voltage an issue?  I'd like to keep it to 48vdc
> but I'm willing to go higher or lower if it is an advantage(money or
> performance).  I will eventually have a shell with solar panels plus my 250
> pound hunk O' fat.  Lawrence Rhodes
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