I would worry about the trailer exceeding the limit of the brakes more than 
anything. If you are talking about a little 4x3 Harbor freight utility trailer 
for flat ground around town use thats one thing but anything bigger might be 
unsafe especially in less than optimal conditions

    On Thursday, November 30, 2017 6:42 PM, Jorg Brown via EV 
<ev@lists.evdl.org> wrote:

 It's bad to tow with a vehicle that can't handle the weight.  And because
of the battery weight, the car is already quite heavy.

In addition to excess wear on the tires, you may be depressing your shock
absorbers close to their limit, giving you a bumpy ride at best and busted
shocks at worst.

There's no issue with volts or amps; the primary thing that will happen as
far as electricity is concerned is that the car won't go as far on a full

-- Jorg

On Thu, Nov 30, 2017 at 4:59 PM, Bob Bath via EV <ev@lists.evdl.org> wrote:

> Hi All,
>    My bro asked me a question I never worried about with Civicwithacord,
> nor my LEAF: Why is it so bad to toe with an EV?/Warranty voiding?
> My first answer was of course, range drop with rolling resistance and
> added weight requiring more amps.
> My second answer was guessing that more amps mean more heat as well as
> worse voltage sag on the traction pack. But am I missing anything else?
> Appreciatively,
> Bob Bath, from his iPod, so any misspellings are from autocorrect or fat
> fingers on a small device, not cluelessness..
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