This is exciting. I think this will push the EV sales point past the early adopters part of the bell curve. For people who only own one car, can't charge at home, and drive long distances often enough not to want to rent, this will make a big difference - if GM really follows through. I think that's a large number of people.

It also will eliminate one of the main detractors from hydrogen power.


------ Original Message ------
From: "brucedp5 via EV" <>
Cc: "brucedp5" <>
Sent: 06-Sep-18 10:25:13 AM
Subject: [EVDL] EVLN: 400kW (1080mph) EVSE new2 GM> (not new-tech 2others)
GM's New Charging Technology to Allow for 180 Miles of Range in 10 Minutes
September 1, 2018  Rob Stumpf

/ Getty Images

Electric cars have one large disadvantage when placed side-by-side with
their traditional gas-powered rivals: the time it takes to refuel. General
Motors has begun a new partnership with Delta Americas to develop a new
technology which will charge its upcoming fleet of electric cars in record

General Motors said it is readying a fleet of 20 electric cars that will be capable of utilizing the newly developed chargers, enabling its vehicles to rapidly recharge their batteries and provide up to 180 miles of range in just 10 minutes. Its partner in the deal, Delta Americas, expects to have the final prototype of its Extreme Fast Charger (XFC) ready by 2020, and GM expects to have its fleet of vehicles ready only three years later, by 2023.

The new XFCs are set to outpace both Tesla's Superchargers, which can
provide current-generation cars with up to 120-kilowatts of power, as well
as Porsche's new 350-kW chargers, by providing an unheard of 400 kW of
electricity to the vehicles. The new technology, developed with partner
Delta Americas and sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy, is able to
provide a staggering 96.5 percent grid-to-vehicle efficiency, a three
percent increase than current technology, partly thanks to the use of
solid-state transformers.

“We’re thrilled to lead such an important project and have a stellar team of researchers and partners in place that are more than ready to take on the challenge of setting a new standard for EV fast charging,” said M.S. Huang,
president of Delta Americas'. “By utilizing solid-state transformer
technology, we have the opportunity to create unprecedented charging speed and convenience that will ultimately help support the DOE’s strategic goal
of increasing EV adoption across the nation.”

The numbers quoted by GM and Delta Americas are theoretical, of course, and are contingent on what is considered to be "tomorrow’s long-range EVs," or vehicles that will provide up to 360 miles of range per charge. As batteries possess a higher charge, they become increasingly difficult to recharge, meaning that it takes less time to charge a battery from zero-to-50 percent
than from 50-to-100 percent. Delta Americas believes that its current
technology will recharge a next-generation 360-mile range battery to 50
percent in the rated 10 minutes, though they do not specify battery
search  400kW charging
GM Wants to Dethrone Tesla as EV Charge Rate Champ
August 31, 2018  180 miles of range in 10 minutes is the target.
As electric vehicles continue their march into the mainstream, manufacturers
are working overtime to reduce charging times ...
GM is Racing to be the First Manufacturer to Offer 180 Miles of EV Range in
10 Minutes
September 3, 2018  This level of extremely short battery top ups is
necessary for the electric car to catch on in appreciable numbers in America
GM is working on next-gen 400 kW charging with Delta for 180 miles of range
in less than 10 minutes
Sep. 3rd 2018 While the project has some exciting implications for a faster and more efficient electric vehicle charging future, it is not expected to
be commercialized soon.
Delta Electronics and GM want to speed up electric-car charging
9.3.18 Long charging times are still a major roadblock for electric cars, but Delta Electronics wants to change that. The company plans to test a new
system that can add ...

Grant will help buy electric buses for central Vermont
September 2, 2018 The Vermont Transportation Agency is working with Green Mountain Power to provide the infrastructure changes to charge the electric
vehicles ...

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