Quoting Mark Hanson via EV <ev@lists.evdl.org>:

I'm surprised the media doesn't mention the thousands of itty bitty cells in a Tesla and that no one else does it that way for reliability reasons (even with each one fused

Unfortunately,too many folks(Media)go through life lacking basic science concepts. For example, few schools offer *Concept Physics* as well as a second physics course where the emphasis is on the math. For many, who are challenged by the math, physics is not taken. My favorite is, Bernoulli's Principle a fun concept that could benefit folks if they understood it.

I am told that if the tiny air sacs(alveoli)in our lungs were laid out flat,they would cover a tennis court. Our body cells are "itty bitty"as is the cell "machinery" inside them. Trees have manny small leaves, not just one or two. I have not had a course in biophysics and am not an electrical engineer, but I trust the engineers at Tesla based what I see in nature. 

Aside from the high price the main reason I wouldn't buy a Tesla is they're the only manufacturer that has uses 6800 flashlight batteries (2170) in an onroad vehicle. I just think of all those points of failure and the complexity of monitoring that reduces reliability.  While Consumer Reports gave it high marks for handling etc, they gave it a low score for reliability.  Currently they send a "Tesla Ranger" out to your house for a battery field repair as this cost is built into the price of a pricey car.  I don't know how this business model will work on lower prices $30k versions.  I'm surprised the media doesn't mention the thousands of itty bitty cells in a Tesla and that no one else does it that way for reliability reasons (even with each one fused)
Have a renewable energy day
Mark in Roanoke Va

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