Of course they do because they are losing money on the bolt. Need another 
government bailout. 

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> On Oct 26, 2018, at 2:03 AM, brucedp5 via EV <ev@lists.evdl.org> wrote:
> https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2018-10-26/gm-breaks-with-trump-in-call-for-national-electric-car-mandate
> GM Breaks With Trump in Call for National Electric Car Mandate
> October 25, 2018  Automaker pitches U.S. rule to spur more EV sales through
> 2030 ... GM says a nationwide program could put 7 million long-range
> electric cars on the road and slash 375 million tons of carbon dioxide
> emissions by 2030, compared with existing zero-emission vehicle mandates ...
> GM Wants Trump Administration To Back National Electric Vehicle ...
> International Business Times-31 minutes ago
> General Motors Co said on Friday it wants the Trump administration to back a
> nationwide program to boost the sale of zero emission vehicles like electric
> ...
> GM Breaks With Trump in Call for National Electric Car Mandate
> Bloomberg-42 minutes ago
> The Trump administration wants to end California's requirement for
> automakers to sell more electric cars in the state each year. America's
> biggest automaker has ...
> GM proposes nationwide zero-emissions vehicle sales mandate
> WHSV-1 hour ago
> California sets the requirements based on a complex formula that considers
> the total number of vehicles sold by an automaker and gives credits for
> fully electric ...
> General Motors CEO: We call for federal electric and zero-emission ...
> USA TODAY-1 hour ago
> It will create jobs through the expansion of battery and electric vehicle
> research and development and production, improve the environment and make
> electric ...
> https://www.google.com/search?q=Breaks+With+Trump+in+Call+for+National+Electric+Car+Mandate
> 2 hours ago - The Trump administration wants to end California's requirement
> for automakers to sell more electric cars in the state each year. America's
> ...
> GM Breaks With Trump in Call for National Electric Car Mandate ...
> www.wiredfocus.com › electric cars
> 51 mins ago 
> GM Breaks With Trump in Call for National Electric Car Mandate ...
> www.techheadlines.us › electric cars
> 51 mins ago 
> [dated]
> Trump's rollback could zap California's electric car industry ...
> https://www.mcclatchydc.com/news/nation-world/national/article215984510.html
> Aug 2, 2018 
> Trump is going after California's clean car mandate | TechCrunch
> https://techcrunch.com/2018/07/.../trump-is-going-after-californias-clean-car-mandate...
> Jul 23, 2018 
> California wants more electric cars. The Trump administration doesn't ...
> www.latimes.com/politics/la-na-pol-fuel-standards-fight-20180202-story.html
> Feb 2, 2018 
> Electric Vehicles: Government Mandates Threaten Customers ...
> https://www.nationalreview.com/.../electric-cars-government-mandates-threaten-custo...
> Feb 26, 2018
> For EVLN EV-newswire posts use:
> http://evdl.org/archive/
> {brucedp.neocities.org}
> --
> Sent from: http://electric-vehicle-discussion-list.413529.n4.nabble.com/
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