Mine has WiFi only, no Ethernet port.  I think that is the case with all their 
chargers, but I have not thoroughly researched it. Regardless, an improper 
update could just as easily break an Ethernet connection as a WiFi connection.  
For instance it could reset the Gateway address leaving the charger unable to 
reach the internet.

From: gsb...@protonmail.com <gsb...@protonmail.com>
Sent: Monday, January 7, 2019 3:12 PM
To: Damon Henry via EV
Cc: Damon Henry
Subject: Re: [EVDL] My Experience with eMotorWerks

That’s unfortunate. Do they not offer the ability to hardwire it to your modem 
or router to ensure no connectivity issues?
I personally try to do that with anything that has a wired and wireless ability 
if at all possible for the best possible performance, whether it’s a smart TV, 
XBox, Play Station, or an EV charger for that matter.


Sent from ProtonMail Mobile

On Mon, Jan 7, 2019 at 17:57, Damon Henry via EV 
<ev@lists.evdl.org<mailto:ev@lists.evdl.org>> wrote:
Last year I bought an EV Juicebox 40. I did not opt for the Pro model because I 
did not see much value in the internet side of the product. I mostly liked the 
fact that I could max out my circuit with it even though I do not currently 
have any vehicles which charge at that high of a rate. Still even the non-pro 
version comes with some internet dependent features some of which were 
interesting enough to me to connect the charger to my WiFi and download the App 
on my phone. Then last summer I got an email telling me that eMotorWerks had 
tried to push out an update to my charger that had disabled the WiFi and it was 
no longer online. They needed it back to fix the problem and offered me a free 
replacement which they were willing to ship out first and then let me return 
mine. That seemed reasonable and the whole exchange process was pretty 
painless. It just took a few emails and a couple of forms, and they paid for 

It did bug me a bit that they had botched an over the air update. I have spent 
a career in IT with large portions of it dedicated to automatically updating 
networked computers, so I have some sensitivity to the caution needed to 
successfully pull this type of thing off.

I got the replacement charger and hooked it up to my WiFi. Then a couple of 
months later I noticed that it was once again not connected to my WiFi. I 
opened a ticket with their support organization and asked them if they had 
perhaps once again busted my charger for me. They did not directly answer that 
question, but did once again offer to exchange the unit.

At this point I did not jump on the exchange. First of all I did not feel like 
doing the paperwork again even though it was fairly easy. Mostly though it 
bothered me that they possibly kept breaking my charger. Not in a way that kept 
my cars from charging, but how was I to know that would always be the case. I 
kept dragging my feet on the exchange as well as badgering them for a root 
cause. Eventually they claimed that the WiFi chip goes into a safe mode when it 
experiences a weak wifi signal. This did not sound right to me on many levels, 
although perhaps it is true. My charger is physically perhaps 6 feet away from 
my Access Point. Also, if it were hardware related why would they ship me a new 
unit with the same problem as the one they had to replace already? Maybe I am 
being too skeptical...

Eventually, I decided I would go forward with the exchange, but not connect the 
new charger to my WiFi. Then I would have the functionality I paid for if I 
ever decided I want it, but not have to worry about any unwanted updates. Alas, 
I took too long making up my mind and they closed the support ticket for me, so 
rather than have them reopen it, I just decided to keep my current charger as 

I did send a note to their Customer Service department letting them know of my 
dissatisfaction and that I would not be buying any additional chargers from 
them or recommending them to fellow EVrs. It is very possible that I will be 
adding a second Level 2 charger in my garage in the near future, but it will 
not be another JuiceBox.

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