I bought a Pro 40 in 2015, even though I only have an 20A outlet in my
garage and upgrading is not simple because the garage is connected to
the house by a buried cable.  I got it with the idea that I might take
it with me and plug in to people's range outlets or at campgrounds,
though I never have.

I adjusted the maximum current to 16A using the app, but every so often
the charger would trip the circuit breaker and I would wake up to an
uncharged car.  I was completely unable to get any help from eMotorWerks
support.  Fortunately, this charger was open source. (Is it still?  I
couldn't find the source today.)  Reading the source I discovered that
when the charger cannot connect to the server for 90 seconds, it forgets
the server current limit.  What an awful design!  It should keep the
last current limit that it saw.

Fortunately I was able to open up the charger and adjust the
potentiometer that gives a hardware limit on the current draw, so now
I'm able to charge reliably, no thanks to eMotorWerks.  If I ever wanted
to use it for higher currents I would have to adjust the hardware

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