% In 2014, at the Silicon Valley NDEW EVent, nissan had an e-nv200 EV on
 (scroll a down 1/3 of the page)

The nissan rep there, said nissan is not interested in selling the e-nv200
in N. America. He didn't know their e-nv200 sells well in Europe and is for
sale in Asia. Nor did he know that e-nv200 vans were in use as taxis in NYC
(see below).

I liked the e-nv200, but it just barely fit my needs (to be able carry an
e-mobility cart in the rear of a cargo trim). If nissan sold & supported the
larger e-nv300
 that would a better fit for my needs.

But where nissan is missing a business opportunity, later other EV companies
will step in and sell me either an e-van or e-truck that will fit my needs.

Below are links to stories showing Nisan is ok with good pr, but not with
follow-through to sell their e-van in N.America. Nissan sells where the
market is profitable. nissan must not think the u.s. e-van market is worth
their effort/trouble.

Here’s Another Electric Camper Van That’s Not Coming to the United States
Jul 31, 2018 - First VW teased, and now Nissan, which has announced two new
... The e-NV200 and NV300 made their debut last month at the Madrid Motor

EVLN: 3 EVs U.S.A. Can’t Have> Zoe,env200,Bluesummer
Jul 03, 2015  

EVLN: Nissan’s e-NV200 electric vans being used as NYC taxicabs
A Nissan e-NV200 van ] If Nissan’s new electric taxicabs are to pass muster
with the city of New York, officials will have to settle a couple of
controversial issues first. One has to do with charging standards and
whether the Big Apple will end up using...
Jun 04, 2012

EVLN: NV-200 NYC Taxi of Tomorrow Program (video)
... tested prior to its Fall 2013 launch. The NYC Taxi of Tomorrow program
has taken a big step closer to fruition with a prototype Nissan NV-200 based
taxi now in operation on New York City streets. The Taxi of Tomorrow program
is NY City's attempt to re-envision the taxicab and the whole taxi...
Mar 07, 2013

EVLN: Leaf& e-NV200 EV Taxis Pass The Three Million Mile Mark In UK (v)
23 Jan 2016  

It Was Billed as the ‘Taxi of Tomorrow.’ Tomorrow Didn’t Last Long
June 12, 2018 ... “There hasn’t been a worse car for the taxi industry than
the NV200,” he said. “It’s not easy for older people to get into.
Mechanically it’s one of the worst made cars I’ve ever owned.” ...

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