On 17 May 2019 at 20:57, brucedp5 via EV wrote:

> The nissan rep there, said nissan is not interested in selling the e-nv200 in
> N. America.

That's not so surprising.  IMO, the brightest future of production EVs is in 
Western Europe and Asia.  

In Europe, 4 nations have already stated that they plan to reduce, restrict, 
or eliminate ICEVs in favor of EVs by 2025, 2030, or 2040.  Some have fairly 
aggressive subsidy or incentive programs.  (Certain oil-wealthy people in 
the US don't approve of our EV tax credit.  Anybody want to place a bet on 
how much longer it'll last?)

China has announced a future ICEV ban, though I don't think they've set a 
deadline; someone please correct me if that's wrong.  China is the elephant 
in the GM boardroom, an emerging vehicle market growth area for them and all 
the other major automakers.  For better or worse, unlike CARB in the 1990s, 
China's government doesn't blink.  You do it their way, or you don't do 
business in China.  

So China and part of Europe will most likely require EVs.  Last I heard, 
California might; maybe someone who's been following that can update me.  Or 
maybe congress or the EPA will smack CARB down, take away their legal right 
to require stricter emissions standards.

The automakers will build EVs for EV markets.  If we're lucky, the rest of 
us will get what's left over, unless they can sell it more profitably 

That's probably not all bad, though.  It might open the gates to serious 
competition from second- and third-tier automakers.  The fuel crunch of the 
early 1970s gave Japanese automakers and their small, high-MPG cars a solid 
foothold in the US.  This time, maybe we'll get to see what Chinese and/or 
Indian automakers can do with EVs.

David Roden - Akron, Ohio, USA
EVDL Administrator

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