Agreed on the disqualification of the lazy writer with a slant.

On the technical issues: this has been no different than the Fearmongering
about the Prius when it started becoming more of a threat to oil profits.
One of the very qualified contributors to the Prius Technical Stuff yahoo
group did some measurements with a sensitive EMF meter inside the Prius,
since the HV cables from battery to inverter actually run through the cabin.
He found no concerning field levels despite high power levels running
through the inverter.
The simple reasen is the capacitors in the inverter removing any HF that
could result in EM radiation.
Note that any car, EV, hybrid or ICE needs to meet legal limits to HF
(radio) emissions, so it is technically unlikely that a car would meet the
legal limits and at the same time cause dangerous levels of radio signal.
Note that without meeting the legal requirements, a manufacturer is not
even allowed to promote (advertise) a product for sale.

On Mon, Jul 8, 2019, 10:59 AM EVDL Administrator via EV <>

> I don't know whether it's a deliberate EV slash piece, but for sure it's
> poorly written and REALLY poorly researched.
> > Human beings are electromagnetic beings
> That's news to me.  I don't know about you, but last time I checked, I was
> still made of organic material.  Some of it may be composting, but that's
> another matter. :-)
> > cell phone use over 10 years causes an increased risk of acquiring
> > certain types of brain tumor and salivary cancer--that´s from exposing
> > your head an face  about 1 kilowatt hour per year.  A low-end electric
> > car will have a 24 KW battery pack that is 24 times more than a year
> > of cell phone use
> That's not even apples to oranges, it's more like comparing sunshine to
> dirt.
> > If there is a power surge caused by lightening I would  not want to be
> > a charging vehicle.
> I'm pretty sure that the author is, like me, fully organic, so there's not
> much danger of her becoming a charging vehicle.  :-)
> It would be nice if she learned how to spell "lightning."
> >What if water gets in the charger?
> The GFI shuts it down.  Read a little before you write, OK?
> > Although the charging port is waterproof-something metal or conductive
> > could affect the charging port.
> Uh, not really, since it isn't energized until the EVSE connection is
> complete and confirmed.
> > Do you want to be in a vehicle when it catches fire: Not me--
> What a question.  And if Walford is so worried about vehicle fires, she
> might want to stay away from ICEVs, where she'd be sitting a few feet from
> 10 to 25 gallons of highly flammable gasoline.
> > What if the batteries leak?
> What if the gas tank leaks?
> > Should a repair shop bake or use heat on paint when when repairing an
> > electric vehicle?
> Should she paint her own car?
> > What do I do if I am in car accident in an EV-is it safe?
> Is any auto accident safe?
> I can hardly believe that someone who claims 20 years of writing about
> cars
> (see the "about" section of the website) would publish such claptrap.
> Walford reads a few lawyer boilerplate disclaimers in EV manuals, actually
> takes them seriously, blows them all out of proportion, and then with no
> further research scrawls out this hysterical, panicked, un-proofread
> screed.
> What utter garbage.  Walford should be ashamed to lay this hot mess before
> the public, and her editors of those 20 years should be ashamed for not
> showing her how to be a responsible journalist -- or even how to proofread
> her own writing.
> David Roden - Akron, Ohio, USA
> EVDL Administrator
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