>>We're going back to the way intertie started off decades ago. The utilities
imposed impossible technical and insurance requirements on net metering,
which led PV hobbyists to start the Guerrilla Solar movement -- essentially
doing grid intertie on the sly.

This is veering around and nearly clipping the Off-Topic guardrails, but because you brought it up:

At least one to-be-left-unnamed EV driver and solar enthusiast was guilty of participating in that clandestine program:


And here's what happens when the utility figures it out:


(see lower right of first page, and upper left of second)

I, er this guy, got off easy, they could just as easily sic'ed the County permit and inspection authority on me, uh, him, threatened utility power disconnect, or applied other punitive sanctions such as a retroactive energy charge of their own estimation. In the end , all the utility wanted was to stop being annoyed by the alarms and alerts in the new software program that they were running to administer the smart meter program for 79,000 customers.

Before I go, R.I.P. to friends Richard and Karen Perez, and goodbye to Home Power Magazine, which ceased publication in October of 2018.

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