> So why is it very difficult, fading to impossible,
> to buy a system to power a home with a dead grid from an EV?

It is trivial and only about $150 to buy almost anywhere a 1.5 to 2 kW 12v
inverter than can run a house at that power level almsot continuously for a
day or days or a week, depending on if it is a hybrid, a plugin hybrid or a

But your lament is right-on!  There is no existing market for 100-330 HV
VDC input 60 Hz inverters in any power class except for extremely rare high
voltage UPS that run on 16 or so batteries.  But they are so rare and so
highly prized for jusst this application that they simply cost too much
even on ebay.

The reason they dont existin quantity, is because there is no consumer
market for that power level and input characteristic.  But they will!
There is a company that makes them for the Prius.  200-240 VDC input and 3
kW split phase 240 VAC output.

What I describe in my book is a hacker alternative.  That is, modify an
existing 3 kW 12 or 24V invreter by recognizing that all the DC inversion
is done at DC, and chopping to AC is only in the output stage.  So the 3 kW
DC/DC inverter boosts the 12 or 24v to around +/- 170 VDC  Then that gets
sent to a MOSFET H-bridge and choped into 60 Hz sine or modified sine.

My idea is to simply bring in +/- 170 VDC at 8 amps from my solar array,
feed it to the existing high voltage section.  and let the inverter draw
all its power from those rails instead of from the 12 or 24v battery.  The
battery has to remain connected so that you dont have to re-invent all the
inverter control circuits, but let the bulk of the current come from the

A great hack... someday when I retire....
But all the circuits are there.  Just need somneone to hack them to our use.

bob, WB4APR
Author: http://aprs.org/Energy-Choices.html

On Sun, Jul 28, 2019 at 7:59 PM Willie via EV <ev@lists.evdl.org> wrote:

> On 7/28/19 4:10 PM, Cor van de Water via EV wrote:
> > So, the claim that Wallbox is the only one with V2G is... misleading.
> >
> > Full disclosure: I work for a company that is owned by Enel, designing
> > innovative EV charging solutions.
> >
> >
> https://www.enel.com/media/news/d/2016/08/energy-on-wheels-v2g-innovation-renewables-and-grids
> Thanks for the additional information, Cor!
> So why is it very difficult, fading to impossible, to buy a system to
> power a home with a dead grid from an EV?
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