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Solar cars are not a new concept; they've actually been around for a while. The 
reason that they have not taken off has been due to their limited driving 
range. But a new day has dawned for solar cars.

The Lightyear One, a prototype of a new type of solar car, was unveiled at the 
break of dawn on June 25, 2019, to a very select group of investors, partners, 
customers, and the press at the Theater Hangaar in Katwijk in the Netherlands. 
Why was it presented at sunrise? The answer is that this new prototype will get 
the most out of every ray of sunlight.

“This moment represents a new era of driving,” said Lex Hoefsloot, CEO and 
co-founder of Lightyear, in a company press release. “Two years of dreaming, 
thinking and working hard have led to this milestone, which is a giant leap 
towards achieving our mission of making clean mobility available to everyone.”

Lightyear was founded in 2016 by alumni from Solar Team Eindhoven, a group of 
engineering students whose prototype car won the Bridgestone Solar Challenge in 
the Cruiser Calls for three consecutive years - so the team has a lot of 
experience working with solar vehicles. The wins came with enough accolades, 
grants, and investors that they were able to finish their prototype in a record 
two-years' time.

The prototype was engineered from a radically different perspective. “We all 
have a performance background and with that we focus relentlessly on to 
optimize efficiency and safety,” Hoefsloot said.

The Lightyear One, a 4-passenger luxury car, is equipped with a battery that is 
two-thirds of the size of the Tesla S, but will get a whopping 725 kilometers 
(450 miles) of range.

Hoefsloot said, “The main goal of the car is to fill in where electric cars 
fall short. Research has shown that range and the lack of charging options are 
still the top concerns that people have when considering electric cars.”

The car's battery can charge itself directly from the sun because its energy 
consumption is so low. This battery is so efficient that it can charge 
electrically much quicker too. The company said that you could charge up to 400 
km per night from an ordinary 230V socket.

The car has other great benefits that include being constructed from high tech 
materials that make it very lightweight while maintaining stringent passenger 
safety, four independently driven wheels, plus the glass on the solar cells on 
the roof and hood are so strong that it can be walked on without causing any 

The company has already sold 100 units of the prototype that will be 
manufactured in its Helmond facility and delivered in 2021. Cars can be ordered 
from the Lightyear website for a reservation fee of €119,000.

The company said that the next models that will be developed would have a lot 
less sticker shock. Future models will also include autonomous and shared fleet 

During the presentation of the prototype at the unveiling, Hoefsloot said that 
“climate change is one of the biggest problems that we humans have faced in our 
history. It is such a frightening development that it is almost paralyzing. We 
decided to do the opposite; as engineers, we believed we could do something. 
Lightyear One represents a huge opportunity to change mobility for the better.”

When the price comes down and combined with the energy savings compared to a 
combustion car, solar cars could become the new standard and fossil fueled cars 
only a memory.

Sent from my iPhone

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