Lawrence is right,
 several listed on are the FMC production Ranger EVs""+Ford+Ranger
 Ford Ranger EVs

EV-history: I was at the SoCal ( air quality management district's
office when they
were holding the 2nd EV workshop (the one for NorCal in Sacramento-CA had
already been
completed, and months later, this one was being held for S.CA in Diamond

It began well enough, but when it was GM's turn to speak at the podium
(lights, camera, action)
the red-faced, &sweaty (like he had been drinking all night) GM Mgr, said
they were not going to 
make EVs any longer. When stopped from leaving, cornered by the board, the
Mgr said, 'well then 
we'll just sell golf-carts'. 

They (the automakers' lawyers) had found a loophole. GM proceeded to
basically give-away 
nEVs and chargers to educational institutions for EV credits. GM also ended
their EV1 leasing 
program, and all EV1's returned on lease were crushed and mechanically
chewed up into bits.

Honda did the same for their wonderful EV-plus (EV+), with a few first
repurposed into HMC's 
fcv R&D program, then later crushed and also torn into bits.

Ford was thinking of doing the same, when a couple of EVangels chained
themselves to a pole 
at a Sacramento Ford dealership, to bring -pr- attention to what automakers
were doing (they 
had lied about making EVs available for the public to get).

FMC decided to offer their production Ranger EVs for-sale to people who were
previous lessees. 
So, those production Ranger EVs Lawrence was speaking of, are from those

Toyota did a bait and switch at that time. TMC put their RAV4-EV up for
sale, and within a couple 
of days, ended those sales. But the EV1-Club members were right on top of
it, and grabbed/nabbed
many RAV4-EVs before TMC could stop the sales.

Oddly, while there were soon no production EVs to be had by the public, the
former generation EVSE
(Avcon, spi) were still being installed. Which was a truly ridiculous waste
for (CA-DMV fee/tax) dollars.
A right minded host wanting to promote EVs had to install both a conductive
Avcon, and an inductive
spi, even though no EVs were being produced.

GM's spi became the same as the way a cuckoo bird lays its egg in another
bird nest. The cuckoo chick kicks out the other bird's chick, etc. GM was
practically giving away its expensive spi EVSE. This not only wasted a
parking spot (lots of ice-complaints), because it went unused, those spots
became iced, which hurt the EV-cause (public thought EVs were a failure when
they weren't).

Sidebar: while some feel the next gen EVSE j1772 is not all that great, at
least it was a simple matter
to yank all the unused Avcon & spi EVSE, as j1772 EVSE use the exact same
power (L2= 240-208 @40Amps). Money was also saved because the wiring,
conduit digging, and signage had already 
been done.

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