If this is correct then it’s a good example of how Tesla is so far ahead. 93kwh 
/ 200 miles = 465 Wh/m.  My model S guts 350 Wh/m and the model 3 gets 250 Wh/m.

Sent from my iPhone

> On Feb 15, 2020, at 11:37 PM, evln via EV <ev@lists.evdl.org> wrote:
> % Below is the text from motorweek's review of the 
> Taycan Turbo S EV and one ota TV listing for the SF-CA PBS
> station. Other PBS stations might also be broadcasting the
> show, explore
> https://www.google.com/search?q=motorweek+Episode+3924
> IMO, the review shows motorweek is including more EVs, but 
> they are still not-EV-drivers ...
> Porsche is not the only automaker going 800V packs (see 
> links below). Actually they 800V systems were touted at 
> EVS.org/edta/electricdrive.org shows way back in the 2000's.
> But now that 300+mi range is where the range bar has been 
> set, higher pack voltages allow for faster charging of high 
> kWh packs.
> -MW wasted time talking about Mission E, and mpge values, 
> when they should have otten dow to the nitty gritty of range 
> between models. The cheaper 4s has the most range.
> -MW supported Porsche's use of Turbo naming as their norm, 
> even though the EV has no turbo-mech, see
> https://www.google.com/search?q=taycan+turbo+musk
> http://electric-vehicle-discussion-list.413529.n4.nabble.com/EVLN-130k-Porsche-s-turbo-less-Taycan-Turbo-performance-EV-tp4692356.html
> -MW showed way too many shots of the EV's active rear spoiler
> when really it is useless as it only raises up 2 inches. The EV's
> price could have been lower just by making the rear design in 
> the up position with out the silly motorized control. And an 
> added amplified interor e-motor sound is also dumb.
> -MW didn't grasp the regen/freewheeling EVs use as they 
> disparagingly said: 'off the throttle it still wants to surge 
> on' = MW is still EV clueless. See below ... %
> https://www.motorweek.org/reviews/road_tests/2020-porsche-taycan-turbo-s/
> Road Tests  Episode 3924
> [images  
> https://www.motorweek.org/images/made/images/road_tests/2020_porsche_taycan_turbo_S_1_638_359_80.jpg
> https://www.motorweek.org/images/road_tests/2020_porsche_taycan_turbo_S_3.jpg
> https://www.motorweek.org/images/road_tests/2020_porsche_taycan_turbo_S_4.jpg
> https://www.motorweek.org/images/road_tests/2020_porsche_taycan_turbo_S_2.jpg
> ]
> Being the proud performance-oriented brand that they are, Porsche could only
> sit back and watch tesla parade around at ludicrous speed for so long. Time
> for them to enter the full-EV business in a big way, a way that only Porsche
> can. So let’s head out onto the track with the Taycan Turbo S.
> There are many thoughts that go through your head when you enter a race
> track property behind the wheel of a high performance car. Usually, “where
> am I going to plug this thing in?” is not one of them. But, here we are at
> Roebling Road Raceway near Savannah, Georgia with the all-electric 2020
> Porsche Taycan Turbo S. 
> Battery recharging aside, track time in the Taycan, quickly reveals a very
> familiar feel.
> But before we get too far, we need to better inform you of what exactly it
> is we’re driving here.  
> The Porsche EV journey of course, started with the Mission E Concept of
> 2015. And over these last 5-years, Porsche has assembled the crème de la
> crème of electrified automotive performance sedans.
> Powertrain setup is not that unique from other EVs; two-motor arrangement,
> one up front, one in rear, providing all-wheel-drive with up to
> 670-horsepower in the Taycan Turbo. This Turbo S cranks things up to
> 750-horsepower, with 774 lb-ft. of available torque. 
> That’s right, Turbo has become more of a model name in the Porsche world,
> not so much a descriptor of what’s under the hood; so using the name here is
> not that much of a stretch.
> There is some uniqueness with the Taycan; as it is the first EV to operate
> on an 800-volt system, which allows you to get to 80% charge in as little as
> 22 ½ minutes. And, there’s a 2-speed transmission on the rear axle;
> providing ultimate acceleration when launching, and higher efficiency when
> cruising. 
> 93-kWh of battery capacity, delivers 192-miles of range; the standard Taycan
> Turbo just over 200. 
> Slightly less if you’re doing ¼-mile runs like this. The Turbo S launches
> with a sheer brutality that makes the Nissan GT-R seem tame. Power delivery
> is just relentless. It feels like you’ve just left the line, when you glance
> down and your already approaching triple digits, after clearing 60 in
> 2.8-seconds. 
> No gears to change, no tach to monitor, just hold on for dear life as you
> finish the ¼ in 10.9-seconds at 129 miles-per-hour. There is some sound
> enhancement in the cabin, but it’s not fake vroom, vroom engine noises
> you’re hearing; rather the actual sound of the electric motors amplified. We
> were divided on its merits; some thought it sounded cool, others said they
> would prefer silence. Regardless, metal pushing through wind is all
> bystanders can hear. 
> Now, back to that familiar Porsche feel. Yes, amazingly, despite the length
> and weight of the Taycan, somehow the experience behind the wheel is not
> that different from a 911. 
> Sure, you do feel the heft in turns, and sometimes when you let off the
> throttle it still wants to surge on; but the enormous and standard Ceramic
> Composite brakes behind the 21-inch wheels are phenomenal, and keep you from
> getting into any trouble. 
> It will push a little in corners, as all of the grip keeps the rear planted
> at all times; but the sheer amount of torque you can apply coming out of
> turns is borderline mind-boggling. 
> 4-wheel steering is available in the Turbo, standard here in the S, and it
> really helps on turn-ins. Overall feel through the wheel is not quite as
> sharp as a Panamara, but far from the “video-game” controller feel of most
> other pure EVs. 
> Much like the driving experience, the exterior design is all pretty typical
> Porsche…but even more beautiful.  Aero treatments include an active rear
> spoiler, rocker extensions, and rear diffuser. And, there are actually two
> charge ports, one on each side depending on what you’re plugging into.
> Finally, the standout 21-inch wheels on our test car were sporting Good Year
> Eagles. 
> The interior is not as futuristic as you might expect; again, more of the
> accustomed Porsche vibe. The biggest evolution being the large curved-glass
> gauge panel.
> Government Fuel Economy MPGe Ratings are 67-City, 68-Highway, and
> 68-Combined. For a near perfect Energy Impact Score, using just 3/10ths of a
> barrel of oil per year, with no CO2 emissions. 
> Taycan Turbo pricing starts at $154,860; this Turbo S, at $188,960. Such the
> price for high performance early adoption. Too much for you? Well, Porsche
> has just announced an entry-level Taycan 4S, to start at just $114,340. 
> Taking just about everything they’ve learned over their 70-years as a brand,
> pushing it into the future with new technology, and cramming it all into one
> vehicle, is what the 2020 Porsche Taycan Turbo S is all about. And this is
> just the start of Porsche E-Performance, as they’ve already confirmed a
> Cross Turismo, and hinted at much more to come down the road. The times they
> are indeed a-changin’, and never have they changed, or charged, faster than
> with the Taycan.
> [© motorweek.org]
> https://www.porsche.com/usa/models/taycan/taycan-models/taycan-4s/
> $104k taycan-4s r:201mi ts:155mph 0-60mph:3.8s
> https://www.google.com/search?q=taycan+4s+range
> ...
> (dated)
> https://www.theverge.com/2018/12/14/18140868/fastcharge-porsche-bmw-450kw-electric-vehicle-charging-station
> Porsche and BMW unveil EV charger that's 3 times faster than ...
> Dec 14, 2018 - A research group with members including Porsche and BMW has
> ... cars with both 400- and 800-volt battery systems, and it will
> automatically ...
> https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/c7duJxg0VTGbPigeEL1ZUlIHysQ=/0x0:4032x2272/920x613/filters:focal(1694x814:2338x1458):format(webp)/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/62681587/4737065_fastcharge_prototype_for_a_charging_station_jettingen_scheppach_2018_porsche_ag.0.jpg
> ...
> https://www.electrive.com/2019/09/10/mercedes-presents-the-electric-luxury-sedan-vision-eqs/
> Mercedes presents the electric luxury sedan Vision EQS ...
> Sep 10, 2019 - With the Vision EQS Mercedes presented a concept of an
> electric ... kW – Mercedes seems to be switching to 800 volt technology with
> the next ...
> https://www.electrive.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/mercedes-benz-vision-eqs-concept-2019-03-min-888x444.png
> https://www.motorweek.org/about/upcoming_and_past_shows/episode-episode-3924
> Episode 3924 Debut 2.14.2020
> Description
> Track Test: 2020 Porsche Taycan Turbo S
> ... (the rest about ice)
> -Watch-
> https://www.kqed.org/tv/programs/index.jsp?pgmid=2346
> Episode #3924H Duration: 26:46 SRND51 TVG
> Upcoming Broadcasts:
> KQED Plus: Tue, Feb 18, 2020 -- 11:00am
> (*SF-CA ota PBS v-ch09.2 rf-ch30)
> https://www.kqed.org/tv/schedules/weekly/kqedplus.jsp?ymd=2020-02-16
> https://www.motorweek.org/reviews/road_tests
> 2021 Polestar 1 EV Episode 3919
> ...
> https://www.motorweek.org/reviews/road_tests/P10
> 2019 Audi e-tron Episode 3914
> ...
> https://www.motorweek.org/reviews/road_tests/P40
> EV Roundup Episode 3842
> ...
> https://www.motorweek.org/reviews/road_tests/P50https://www.motorweek.org/reviews/road_tests/P50
> 2019 Nissan Leaf Plus Episode 3837
> 2019 Kia Niro EV Episode 3835 ...
> + (dated)
> https://www.caranddriver.com/news/a30531280/porsche-taycan-turbo-s-range-epa/
> Porsche Taycan EV's EPA Range Goes from Bad to Worse
> Jan 15, 2020  The more powerful Turbo S model is rated to provide even less
> range than the Turbo ... The EPA's range estimate for the Porsche Taycan
> Turbo S electric car is a low 192 miles ...
> https://hips.hearstapps.com/hmg-prod.s3.amazonaws.com/images/2020-porsche-taycan-144-1569266421.jpg
> For EVLN EV-newswire posts view:
> http://www.evdl.org/archive/
> https://mail-archive.com/ev@lists.evdl.org/maillist.html
> {brucedp.neocities.org}
> --
> Sent from: http://electric-vehicle-discussion-list.413529.n4.nabble.com/
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