> In fact we do have a forum gateway, as a feature of the
> archive ... It's a bit clunky, but I'm working on that.

Yeah, Ya think? I use the Nabble archive exclusively to view messages. Some years ago, the formatting changed so that it's no longer possible to see who posted which message, who the thread starter was, etc, etc. Because I run with javascript off, I can't see what the posting dates are, and 100% of the email addresses are obscured because I've never plumbed the depths of getting the Nabble log-in puzzle figured out. And that guy whose photo doesn't show on the left side of the page sure has a lot of posts...

How come Bruce was able to get ~his~ username to show up?

Now another (not EVDL related) problem has popped up, which is that none of my email accounts any longer allow message relaying, which means I have to send from the Juno account, and they append multiple stupid news article links onto each message I post (sorry). Is it actually possible to post to the mailing list through the Nabble archive if getting logged in is solved?

I've largely given up on all of these issues. Reading the EVDL archive is like divining tea leaves or reading the back pages of Pravda in an attempt to figure out who is getting their back up about which topic, when. None of that is going to attract new users, many if not most of all of whom are going to be using mobile devices.

I appreciate what you do here, David, It could be a lot easier to use and be more full-featured, but I always assume that people like me who prefer the web-based forum format are a small minority. I help administer a mailing list of renewable energy installers, and they won't even discuss using a forum interface, they love the mailing lists. Far be it from me to try and change tradition, I have more pressing things to take care of around the homestead.

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