I'm wondering why none of the EVs seem to have good range estimation. I think there is a very simple solution to providing reasonably accurate range. Maybe some of the manufacturers are doing what I'm about to describe, but I've never seen any discussion of such.

Obviously, if the car has no knowledge of where you are going, all it can do is use past behavior and throw out a number. I'm really not interested in a range estimate based on my average, I'm interested in an estimate for the trip I'm about to take. What if you were to tell it where you are going and what route ? Then, it would potentially know every hill and stop light. With your past driving behavior, it should be able to come up with a very close estimation of how many kWh that trip will take.

Google maps has all that info. Maybe local wind info is available, too. I understand privacy issues, but most people already have google location turned on and have their cell phones with them while moving about. Google already knows everything. So, could the car's software incorporate google maps to get the info I mentioned above ? Seems like a straight forward technology.


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