On 12 Feb 2022 at 14:25, Willie McKemie via EV wrote:

> Tesla's goal is to hasten the adoption electric vehicles. 

So Musk says, or at least he used to.

> The others goal is to delay adoption. 

That's unquestionably true in the US.  

In Europe, nope.  

The automakers aren't stupid.  Western and Northern Europe is serious about 
EVs, and the ICEV sun is rapidly setting there. It dips below the horizon in 
about 8 years. So the automakers are ploughing serious money into EVs for 
Europe and China.

However, the US isn't serious about EVs, so EV manufacturers other than 
Tesla aren't serious about the US.  I don't see that changing.

David Roden, EVDL moderator & general lackey

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