Hi all,

Thanks for the use cases. We will definitely add an option for this, most
likely in the way that Jason suggested.

Kathy Lussier
Executive Director
NOBLE: North of Boston Library Exchange
Danvers, MA
978-777-8844 x201

On Tue, Jan 23, 2024 at 9:35 AM Josh Stompro <stomp...@gsuite.larl.org>

> We have several locations that staff make use of but are hidden from the
> public catalog.
> ILL Locations - We have a central ILL OU for each region.  That isn't
> something that most staff need, only the ILL staff.  We have a local
> customization to hide ILL items from staff search results unless the ILL
> location is specifically selected.  But only ILL staff need that, and they
> log in with a workstation with the same OU.  So maybe an OU could be
> visible in the list if it equals the workstation OU?
> We have a book truck location for one branch that is hidden in the public
> catalog but staff would use.  It doesn't have a permanent collection, just
> things pulled together for short term use.
> Josh
> On Mon, Jan 22, 2024 at 11:09 AM Lussier, Kathy via Evergreen-general <
> evergreen-general@list.evergreen-ils.org> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> NOBLE is proceeding with a project to make some changes to the library
>> selector in the Angular staff catalog. I'm sharing our requirements with
>> the community first to ensure the project doesn't conflict with any desired
>> behavior for the selector.
>> The full requirements are available at the bottom of this email, but the
>> short version is:
>>    1. We plan to restore shelving location groups in the selector,
>>    similar to the way they appear in the public catalog.
>>    2. We plan to make the library selector for the staff catalog search
>>    honor the visibility settings used for the public catalog library 
>> selector.
>> #1 is the restoration of a feature from the old staff catalog.
>> #2 introduces new behavior that hasn't been used in previous staff
>> catalogs. We could not think of a use case where an org unit should be
>> invisible in the public catalog when performing a search, but should be
>> visible in the staff catalog search. However, if there is one, let us know
>> so that we can add an option, most likely a global flag.
>> Please send us any feedback or concerns by the end of the day Friday so
>> that we can move forward with finalizing the requirements for this project.
>>  Angular Staff Catalog: Library Selector Improve...
>> <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Aioe5GfQXHXrWVF90r_xdsbMhm1PjHP1vFOyyO0R3DY/edit?usp=drive_web>
>> Thank you!
>> Kathy
>> --
>> Kathy Lussier
>> she/her
>> Executive Director
>> NOBLE: North of Boston Library Exchange
>> Danvers, MA
>> 978-777-8844 x201
>> www.noblenet.org
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