The lines are too large for my screen to handle but I have fixed that by setting my Netscape to wrap automatically (it does so at around 70 characters). The output is irregular but it's OK.
Charles Goodwin wrote: > > Re wrapping around - I've set MS Outlook to wrap at 132 characters (the largest >value it will accept). It insists that I wrap > somewhere (unfortunately). If you know any way to improve the situation let me know >(I often go through and manually stick together > the short lines). I could miss out the >'s on quoted bits, but that might be >confusing.... > > > However I must admit I don't see how using the SWE limits the size of the >multiverse. The SWE predicts a continuum of resultant > states from a given initial states, which leads me to assume that (if the MWI is >correct) the multiverse must contain a continuum / > uncountable infinity of states. If that's a limit it's a fairly large one by most >standards! > The limits may just be different orders of infinity. > Re logically possible vs physically possible universes. The "set" (or whatever one >shoud call it) of all logically possible > universes is called Platonia by Julian Barbour. The "set" of all physically possible >universes with the same laws of physics as ours > (plus some extra information, as David Deutsch has pointed out) is called the >Multiverse. Platonia is either as big as the MV (both > being continua) or bigger (a higher order of infinity than the Multiverse). Immortality does not have to be based on Quantum Theory. It can be derived from basic philosophical considerations borrowed from the Anthropic principle, Descartes and Leibniz (all possible worlds). What Barbour calls Platonia some philosophers call the Plenitude. > All the above assumes the MWI is correct (evidence: quantum interference), and that Platonia exists (evidence (?) : the weak > anthropic principle). The evidence for the Plenitude (Platonia) is the Principle of sufficient reason or more simply, causality (or the lack of). In the absence of any cause, for any given instance, all other possible instances must also exist. For any instance of universe (ours), all other possible universes must also exist. Hence, the Plenitude. Note, that by invoking the "absence of any cause", this derivation specifically steers clear of the "Creation by Design" argument. In addition, this reliance on rationality, combined with the anthropic principle, leads to a theory of consciousness: "I am rational because I am conscious." Bruno may have found a way to express this using a modern mathematical formulation. George