I wasn't referring to that snippet, but another one discussing the
evolution of "superclusters" of galaxies. The theory predicts that the
universe will ultimately come to be dominated by said clusters. The
snippet I mentioned seems to be referring to our measured velocity of
ca 600km/s in the direction of the Virgo supercluster, although that
wasn't explicitly mentioned in the article.

Re our own supermassive black hole at the heart of the Milky Way - I
assume we're in a stable orbit about that one, with the usual caveat
that its impossible to prove stability of any arbitrary n-body orbit
of course.


George Levy wrote:
> > >
> > > Russell Standish wrote:
> > >
> > > > Anyway, it looks like we're falling into a supermassive black hole
> > > > right now, but we've got about 100 billion (10^11) years
> > > before we hit
> > > > the event horizon. (Reported in New Scientist a couple of
> > > issue ago).
> > 
> George wrote:
> > >
> > > To avoid any scheduling conflict, I'll make sure to enter this in my
> > > scheduler. I wouldn't want to miss this for the world.
> > >
> > > George
> Charles Goodwin wrote:
> > 
> > According to NS for 8th Sept the supermassive hole at the centre of our galaxy has 
>been observed with much greater precision due to
> > a flare which occured when matter fell into the accretion disc. But it doesn't say 
>anything about us falling in.... Or is this just
> > a general statement based on the momentum exchange which will take place inside 
>the galaxy over the next few 100 billion years?
> > Because momentum exchange can go either way - either the Earth (or what's left of 
>it) is flung out of the galaxy or it falls into
> > the central black hole. Similarly if the galaxy itself is orbiting a supermassive 
>hole at the centre of the local group (say) that
> > might also lead to 'evaporation' of the galaxy from the group or collapse into the 
>central hole....
> > 
> > I just thought you needed to be aware of that. Set your scheduler for either ice 
>or fire, a bang or a whimper....
> > 
> > Charles
> > 
> Thanks for the weather report Charles. I'll get dressed in layers, take
> my sunscreen lotion, and pack a good lunch.
> George

Dr. Russell Standish                     Director
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