Hi Stephen:

Since the Nothing has no information by definition and the boundary between them - the Everything - has no potential to divide further [i.e. no information] then the All must have no information if the system has no information. I do not think the latter part is controversial. For this to be so, somehow the kernels within the All sum to no net information. Like red, green, and blue can sum to white when viewed from a proper perspective. I used to call these complete sets of counterfactuals.

To finish responding to a previous question in the thread if a complete set of counterfactuals was composed of just two kernels these kernels would be what I called pair wise inconsistent kernels.


At 02:45 PM 12/26/2004, you wrote:
Dear Hal,

About this "zero information" feature, could it be due to a strict communitivity between any given "subset" of the All/Nothing? I ask this because it seems to me that the "information content" of any string follows from the existence of a difference between one ordering of the "bits" as compared to another. Commutativity would erase (bad choice of wording) the difference. In your theory, the distinction between what "it" *is* from what "it" *is not", when we chain it out to tuples, is obviously a non-commutativity property, at least.

Kindest regards,


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