Le Thursday 29 November 2007 19:28:05 Torgny Tholerus, vous avez écrit :
> Quentin Anciaux skrev:
> > Le Thursday 29 November 2007 18:52:36 Torgny Tholerus, vous avez écrit :
> >> Quentin Anciaux skrev:
> >>> What is the production rules of the "no"set R ?
> >>
> >> How do you define "the set R"?
> >
> > http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Construction_of_real_numbers
> >
> > Choose your method...
> The most important part of that definition is:
> 4. The order ? is /complete/ in the following sense: every non-empty
> subset of *R* bounded above <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Upper_bound>
> has a least upper bound <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Least_upper_bound>.
> This definition can be translated to:
> "If you have a production rule that produces rational numbers that are
> bounded above, then this production rule is producing a real number."
> This is the production rule for real numbers.

And how this render the *set R* ]-infinity,infinity[ finite/limited or even 
the set N [0,infinity[ ?

If as you say you have elements/events/... after the last element/event/... it 
is totally contradictory and meaning less to call it last... If I take it as 
a demonstration by absurd, then you've just demonstrated that there exists no 
last element/event/... How can you avoid this contradiction ?

Quentin Anciaux

All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in the rain.

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