On 09 Nov 2008, at 23:38, Kory Heath wrote:

> Actually, I find it the easiest part of the whole thing to understand.
> But to echo something someone else said earlier in this thread, I
> think Bruno's arguments for step 8 could be shored up. As they stand,
> they wouldn't convince a philosopher like Dennett. But they should be
> able to. (In principle. In practice, philosophers are rarely convinced
> by anyone else's arguments on any issue.)
> Maybe I still don't fully understand Bruno's position. If I were
> making the argument, his step 8 would be my step 1.

As I said earlier. Step #8 *is* step #1 in my long "Conscience et  
Mecanisme" (1994), and in my shorter "Calculabilité, Physique et  
Cognition" which I have defended as a PhD thesis in Computer Science  

I have put Step #8 at the last place because it is much more subtle,  
and UDA(1...7) makes it already possible to understand the nature of  
the reversal physics/computer science.

The problem with Dennett is that he takes physical reality for  
granted. Note that Dennett and Hofstadter did come very close to the 1- 
person indeterminacy in their book "Mind's I", but, miss it clearly,  
as can be deduced from Hofstadter's critics of Everett, for example.

Bruno Marchal


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