*I wonder whether my "selves", after a split, retain their memories from 
the world before the split or now have all the memories appropriate to 
the "self" in the new universe. Theoretically of course, they wouldn't 
know the difference, but it seems strange to think that we might 
perceive entirely new sets of lifetime memories from Planck-second to 
Planck-second as we move through the cloud of possible universes. (Or do 
I have it completely wrong?)
marty a.

Michael Rosefield wrote:
> If there is a split, does it create differentiated consciousnesses? I 
> doubt it. Perhaps there are two main causes of splitting: where an 
> event would cause different 'observables', or where an event by 
> necessity breaks the mechanism of consciousness into different 
> streams. In the latter case, there could be a 'connective-tissue' of 
> undecohered universes containing weird brains-in-superposition; these 
> aren't consciousness, but perhaps we get a bit of bleed-through from 
> the edges.
> Or is that just too darned uninformed and ridiculous...?
> 2008/11/16 Günther Greindl <[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>>
>     For instance, you don't have to perform a QM-experiment with explicit
>     setup, looking around is enough - photons hit your eyes with different
>     polarizations; why should no splitting occur here?
>     Why only in the case where you perform an up/down-amplification
>     experiment?
> >

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