Bruno Marchal wrote:
> On 14 Nov 2008, at 19:46, Brent Meeker wrote:
>> That was my point.  The SWE indicates that every microscopic event  
>> that
>> happens or doesn't happen stochastically splits the wave function.   
>> But
>> these events don't generally cause a split of Kory or other classical
>> objects.
> This would contradict the linearity of the tensor product together  
> with the linearity of the evolution of the wave. I think.
>> I don't see this.  For a non-materialist it seems that an un- 
>> implemented
>> idea or program is an incoherent concept.
> An un- implemented idea or algorithm makes sense. For example a  
> description of an algorithm A in natural language. Then an  
> implementation of A in the universal language U consists in a formal  
> string X such that if U is given X, UX, and run, the UX behaves like A  
> was supposed to define, except for the unexpected bugs.  
> "implementation" always means "implementation in some language", 

But does un-implemented mean not implemented in any language?

> be it  
> immaterial combinators or "material" hardware.
> With comp, the point is that "material hardware" needs itself to be  
> implemented in arithmetic, except here it is not so much a direct  
> implementation (unless Kory's, and Jason's mathematical physicalsim is  
> true) but more like an emergence from all computations (and thus on  
> all possible implementations 

But all possible implementations is a logical concept that exists only 
in platonia - so what is the distinction between implemented and 
un-implemented computations. 

> of all computations in the universal  
> deployment). It is an open problem if the physics which emerge from  
> all computations can be itself capture by one computations. I doubt  
> it. If it exists, then it must have the shape of a sepical Universal  
> Dovetailer, like a quantum Universal Dovetailer (why not, but for me  
> this is very speculative).
> Bruno
> >

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