On 17 Nov 2008, at 04:41, Brent Meeker wrote:

> But all possible implementations is a logical concept that exists only
> in platonia -

Any program for the universal dovetailer like this one


implements all computations in our (apparently) material world we are  
sharing now.

> so what is the distinction between implemented and
> un-implemented computations.

Suppose I am inviting you on the planet mars. We have to take a  
digital teleporter though (I can afford a two place tickets for a  
conventional rocket, sorry). So we are read and cut on the planet  
earth, and the information read is send on mars. There, I am  
reconstituted, and you, well, bad luck but the reconstitution-machine  
just break down. In that case, I am implemented on the planet mars,  
and you are not.

Implementation is a relative notion. A program P is implemented on a  
universal machine M when P is translated in the language of the  
machine M, and when M is trigged so that it evaluates or executes the  
program P, on earth or in platonia.

Implementation is a purely mathematical notion for the theoretical  
computer scientist. For the physicist, or the business man, it is true  
that the word is sometimes used in the sense of concretely implemented  
in a real machine in front of us.

But note that the UD has been implemented and executed, for a few  
days, concretely on a Macintosh Computer in 1991. That is the key of  
the whole construction. The deployment of the UD is a precise  
concretisable object. This is made possible by the "Godel's miracle",  
or "Church's thesis". It is the only place in math were an  
epistemological notion (computation) admit a universal definition.  
Godel did not believe in Chuch thesis for a long time, and after he  
begin to accept it, he called it a miracle, because it is indeed hard  
to believe in it, when you are aware of Cantor's proof and the power  
of diagonalisation. As said Godel, it is amazing that Church thesis  
can survive to diagonalization. This is the hidden difficulty of the  
step seven. I thionk Tom Caylor grasped it through his redaing of the  
Cutland book. The notion of computation is highly non trivial.  
Computer (universal computing machine) are highly non trivial  
mathematical object (implemented or not here or there).



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