
> My domain is theology. scientific and thus agnostic theology.  I 
> specialized my self in Machine's theology. Or Human's theology once 
> assuming comp. The UDA shows (or should show) that physics is a branch 
> of theology, so that the AUDA makes Machine's theology experimentally 
> refutable.
> Will machines go to paradise?

Some related work:



Steinhart, E. (2004) Pantheism and current ontology. Religious Studies 
40 (1), 1 - 18.

ABSTRACT: Pantheism claims: (1) there exists an all-inclusive unity; and 
(2) that unity is divine. I review three current and scientifically 
viable ontologies to see how pantheism can be developed in each. They 
are: (1) materialism; (2) platonism; and (3) class-theoretic 
pythagoreanism.  I show how each ontology has an all-inclusive unity.  I 
check the degree to which that unity is: eternal; infinite; complex; 
necessary; plentiful; self-representative; holy. I show how each 
ontology solves the problem of evil (its theodicy) and provides for 
salvation (its soteriology). I conclude that platonism and 
pythagoreanism have the most divine all-inclusive unities.  They support 
sophisticated contemporary pantheisms.


Steinhart, E. (2003) Supermachines and superminds. Minds and Machines 13 
  (1), 155 - 186.

ABSTRACT: If the computational theory of mind is right, then minds are 
realized by computers. There is an ordered complexity hierarchy of 
computers. Some finite state machines realize finitely complex minds; 
some Turing machines realize potentially infinitely complex minds. There 
are many logically possible computers whose powers exceed the 
Church-Turing limit (e.g. accelerating Turing machines). Some of these 
supermachines realize superminds. Superminds perform cognitive 
supertasks. Their thoughts are formed in infinitary languages. They 
perceive and manipulate the infinite detail of fractal objects. They 
have infinitely complex bodies. Transfinite games anchor their social 

Especially the first paper (concerning Pythagorenaism) is interesting.

Best Wishes,

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