Hi folks,
I am finally getting somewhere. My paper has just been published. :

Hales, C. 'Dual Aspect Science', Journal of Consciousness Studies vol. 
16, no. 2-3, 2009. 30-73.

Under dual aspect science exploration and deliverables take on two 
fundamental forms:

    Laws-of-appearance ( = T, what we do now) 
    Laws-of-structure( = T' what we are recently/partly doing but wasn't 

A physics of P-consciousness becomes empirically tractable under the DAS 
framework set of  structure (T') descriptions.  The DAS paper resulted 
from empirical science (observation of scientists) and is a framework 
which is empirically testable - the procedure is in the paper. No 
philosophy is required. The observed behaviour of scientists operating 
under the framework is decisive.

I can deliver a .PDF of the paper to anyone who is interested (off list).

The idea is that science's output (= "laws of nature") actually has two 
intimately enmeshed 100% mutually consistent but very different forms:
T     (grammars as per usual)
T'   (computational output in a generalised dynamic form of cellular 

The former is a set of forever-uncertain rules about 100% certain 
(agreed) things.
The latter is a set of 100% certain (chosen/agreed) rules about  
forever-uncertain structural primitives.

The two are 'joined' and empirically supported by the one single 
evidence system - P-consciousness.

This nicely (mirror-) symmetric knowledge framework eliminates a raft of 
strange behavioural inconsistencies in science (in the behaviour of 
scientists). DAS finally enables us to formally deal with the underlying 
structure of things in an empirically viable way. It means that 
scientists trading in loops, strings, froth, branes etc etc finally have 
a home. All we have to do is use our theory to make a prediction of the 
appearance brain material consistent with the delivery of 
P-consciousness as predicted by the T' aspect structural primitive of 
choice. T-aspect science cannot possibly do this. In the paper is a 
large list of the kinds of predictions to expect of your T'-aspect.

I have used my loop structure - cellular automaton. It predicts brains 
look and operate like they do, although its hard to see at first.  It is 
to be written up and published ASAP. Maybe others would like to see how 
they can do the same with other structural primitives.

The abstract is below. I also have a 'DAS how to/reader user guide' 
which will help you distil the DAS paper - which is a bit of a monster - 
43 pages. The computational exploration of loops is, in effect, the 
actual scientific delivery-form of the 'entropy calculus' I have spoken 
about from time to time here.

I discuss the nature and forms of TOE in the DAS paper. They have 2 
forms as well. Indeed the T'-aspect TOE is literally the rules and 
initialisation of the 'natural CA'. You can't analytically express it. 
You have to compute it and slice it to observe it.

Enough for now!

colin hales

*ABSTRACT*. Our chronically impoverished explanatory capacity in respect 
of P-consciousness is highly suggestive of a problem with science 
itself, rather than its lack of acquisition of some particular 
knowledge. The hidden assumption built into science is that science 
itself is a completed human behaviour. Removal of this assumption is 
achieved through a simple revision to our science model which is 
constructed, outlined and named ‘dual aspect science’ (DAS). It is 
constructed with reference to existing science being ‘single aspect 
science’. DAS is consistent with and predictive of the very explanatory 
poverty that generated it and is simultaneously a seamless upgrade; no 
existing law of nature is altered or lost. The framework is completely 
empirically self-consistent and is validated empirically. DAS  
eliminates the behavioural inconsistencies currently inhabiting a world 
in which single aspect science has been inherited rather than chosen and 
in which its presuppositions are implemented through habit rather than 
by scientific examination of options by the scientists actually carrying 
out science. The proposed DAS framework provides a working vantage point 
from which an explanation of P-consciousness becomes expected and 
meaningful. The framework requires that we rediscover what we scientists 
do and then discover something new about ourselves: that how we have 
been doing science is not the entire story. Dual aspect science shows us 
what we have not been doing. 

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