silky wrote:
On Tue, Jan 19, 2010 at 1:02 PM, Brent Meeker < <>> wrote:

    silky wrote:

        On Tue, Jan 19, 2010 at 10:09 AM, Brent Meeker
        < <>> wrote:
            silky wrote:
                On Tue, Jan 19, 2010 at 1:24 AM, Stathis Papaioannou
                < <>>

                    2010/1/18 silky <

                        It would be my (naive) assumption, that this
                        is arguably trivial to
                        do. We can design a program that has a desire
                        to 'live', as desire to
                        find mates, and otherwise entertain itself. In
                        this way, with some
                        other properties, we can easily model simply pets.

                    Brent's reasons are valid,

                Where it falls down for me is that the programmer
                should ever feel
                guilt. I don't see how I could feel guilty for ending
                a program when I
                know exactly how it will operate (what paths it will
                take), even if I
                can't be completely sure of the specific decisions
                (due to some
                randomisation or whatever)
            It's not just randomisation, it's experience.  If you
            create and AI at
            fairly high-level (cat, dog, rat, human) it will
            necessarily have the
            ability to learn and after interacting with it's
            enviroment for a while it
            will become a unique individual.  That's why you would
            feel sad to "kill" it
            - all that experience and knowledge that you don't know
            how to replace.  Of
            course it might learn to be "evil" or at least annoying,
            which would make
            you feel less guilty.

        Nevertheless, though, I know it's exact environment,

    Not if it interacts with the world.  You must be thinking of a
    virtual cat AI in a virtual world - but even there the program, if
    at all realistic, is likely to be to complex for you to really
    comprehend.  Of course *in principle* you could spend years going
    over a few terrabites of data and  you could understand, "Oh
    that's why the AI cat did that on day 2118 at 10:22:35, it was
    because of the interaction of memories of day 1425 at 07:54:28 and
    ...(long string of stuff)."  But you'd be in almost the same
    position as the neuroscientist who understands what a clump of
    neurons does but can't get a wholistic view of what the organism
    will do.

    Surely you've had the experience of trying to debug a large
    program you wrote some years ago that now seems to fail on some
    input you never tried before.  Now think how much harder that
    would be if it were an AI that had been learning and modifying
    itself for all those years.

I don't disagree with you that it would be significantly complicated, I suppose my argument is only that, unlike with a real cat, I - the programmer - know all there is to know about this computer cat.

But you *don't* know all there is to know about it. You don't know what it has learned - and there's no practical way to find out.

I'm wondering to what degree that adds or removes to my moral obligations.

Destroying something can be good or bad. Not knowing what you're destroying usually counts on the "bad" side.

        so I can recreate
        the things that it learned (I can recreate it all; it's all
        deterministic: I programmed it). The only thing I can't
        recreate, is
        the randomness, assuming I introduced that (but as we know, I can
        recreate that anyway, because I'd just use the same "seed" state;
        unless the source of randomness is "true").

                I don't see how I could ever think "No, you
                can't harm X". But what I find very interesting, is
                that even if I
                knew *exactly* how a cat operated, I could never kill one.

                    but I don't think making an artificial
                    animal is as simple as you say.

                So is it a complexity issue? That you only start to
                care about the
                entity when it's significantly complex. But exactly
                how complex? Or is
                it about the unknowningness; that the project is so
                large you only
                work on a small part, and thus you don't fully know
                it's workings, and
                then that is where the guilt comes in.

            I think unknowingness plays a big part, but it's because
            of our experience
            with people and animals, we project our own experience of
            consciousness on
            to them so that when we see them behave in certain ways we
            impute an inner
            life to them that includes pleasure and suffering.

        Yes, I agree. So does that mean that, over time, if we
        continue using
        these computer-based cats, we would become attached to them
        (i.e. your
        Sony toys example

    Hell, I even become attached to my motorcycles.

Does it follow, then, that we'll start to have laws relating to "ending" of motorcycles humanely? Probably not. So there must be more too it then just attachment.

We don't try to pass laws to control everything. There's no law against killing your cat or dog even though almost everyone would say it was wrong. Anyway my sentimental attachment to my motorcycles doesn't have any implications for society, so it's just a personal matter.

                Indeed, this is something that concerns me as well. If
                we do create an
                AI, and force it to do our bidding, are we acting
                immorally? Or
                perhaps we just withhold the desire for the program to
                do it's "own
                thing", but is that in itself wrong?

            I don't think so.  We don't worry about the internet's
            feelings, or the air
            traffic control system.  John McCarthy has written essays
            on this subject
            and he cautions against creating AI with human like
            emotions precisely
            because of the ethical implications.  But that means we
            need to understand
            consciousness and emotions less we accidentally do
            something unethical.

        Fair enough. But by the same token, what if we discover a way to
        remove emotions from real-born children. Would it be wrong to
        do that?
        Is "emotion" an inherent property that we should never be
        allowed to
        remove, once created?

    Certainly it would be fruitless to remove all emotions because
    that would be the same as removing all discrimination and
    motivation - they'd be dumb as tape recorders.  So I suppose
    you're asking about removing, or providing specific emotions.
     Removing, for example, empathy would certainly be bad idea -
    that's how you get sociopathic killers.  Suppose we could remove
    all selfishness and create an altruistic being who only wanted to
    help and serve others (as some religions hold up as an ideal).  I
    think you can immediately see that would be a disaster.

    Suppose we could add and emotion that put a positive value on
    running backwards.  Would that add to their overall pleasure in
    life - being able to enjoy something in addition to all the other
    things they would have naturally enjoyed?  I'd say yes.  In which
    case it would then be wrong to later remove that emotion and deny
    them the potential pleasure - assuming of course there are no
    contrary ethical considerations.

So the only problem you see is if we ever add emotion, and then remove it. The problem doesn't lie in not adding it at all? Practically, the result is the same.

No, because if we add it and then remove it after the emotion is experienced there will be a memory of it. Unfortunately nature already plays this trick on us. I can remember that I felt a strong emotion the first time a kissed girl - but I can't experience it now.

If a baby is born without the "emotion" for feeling overworked, or adjusted so that it enjoys this overworked state, then we take advantage of that, are we wrong? If the AI we create is modelled on humans anyway, isn't it somewhat "cheating" to not re-implement everything, and instead only implement the parts that we selflishly consider useful?

I suppose there is no real obligation to recreate an entire human consciousness (after all, if we did, we'd have no more control over it than we do other "real" humans), but it's interesting that we're able to pick and choose what to create, and yet, not able to remove from real children what we determine is inappropriate to make *them* more "effective" workers.

We do try to remove emotions that we consider damaging, even though they may diminish the life of the subject. After all serial killers probably get a lot of pleasure from killing people. This is the plot of the play "Equus"; ever seen it?

The argument against that sort of thing would be we are depriving the child of a different life; but would it ever know? What would it care?

And who is competent to say which life is better? We wouldn't hesitate deprive a serial killer of his pleasure in killing because of societal concerns out weight his pleasure. But what about extreme feelings of physical aggressiveness?...we just draft the guy into the NFL as a linebacker.


And regardless, doesn't the program we've written deserve the same rights? Why not?


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RAMIE bloated double-knit hearten fleetness.

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