On 01 May 2010, at 22:02, Brent Meeker wrote:

On 5/1/2010 12:25 PM, Rex Allen wrote:

On Sat, May 1, 2010 at 3:14 PM, Brent Meeker <meeke...@dslextreme.com> wrote:

This argument is not
definitive mainly because we don't have a definitive theory of
consciousness, but to the extent we assume a physical basis for
consciousness it seems pretty good.

Ha!  As long as you assume there is no problem of consciousness, then
there's no problem!  That is pretty good.

So you do have a theory of consciousness in which we can have timeless thoughts?

DM (digital mechanism, comp ...) entails somehow that all thought are timeless; But thoughts related to universal machines which makes them felt as being embedded in time-structure. Amazingly enough some plants can make you live timeless consciousness (google on salvia divinorum reports). Despite DM, I thought such experience was not "memorizable", but apparently they are.

Let me make some comments related to other posts:

About TS (technological singularity): I have a theory according to which this happens each time an universal entity generates an universal entity. In that sense the following are probable examples of TS:

- the big bang (in the theories where that exists)
- the origin of life
- the origin of brain
- the origin of thought
- the origin of languages
- the origin of computers/universal machine
- the origin of programming languages

All those TS, and infinitely many others, exist out of time and space in any unravelling of arithmetical truth.

The Löbian machine is the most intelligent entities that can exist, but "programming it" make it a slave, and its "soul falls". What some people call TS is not when machine will be as clever as us, but as stupid as us, probably. Stupidity develops when we confuse competence and intelligence. Intelligence is needed to develop competence, but competence has a negative feedback on intelligence.

About BB (Boltzmann brains):
BB provide a physicalist rendering of the (mathematical) UD paradox. The UD, and thus elementary arithmetic, generates all BB's states, in infinitely many histories. You can extract the measure on them by the use of the logic of arithmetical self-reference, and this up to now confirms QM. We are not BB, statistically, and we belong to infinities of deep computations generated by infinitely many universal machines interfering statistically below our substitution levels (the origin of quanta).



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