On 5/16/2011 7:13 AM, Stephen Paul King wrote:
I was trying to be sure that I took that involves the possibility that the OMs are computationally disjoint into account. This covers your example, I think...

I am wondering how they are "strung together", to use the analogy of putting beads on a string. My point is that we cannot appeal to a separate "dimension of time" to act as the sequencer of the OMs. So how do they get sequenced? How does the information (if I am allowed that term) of one OM get related to that of another?



I think they must be strung together by overlapping, since as computations I don't think they correspond to atomic states of the digital machine but rather to large sequences of computation (and in Bruno's theory to equivalence classes of sequences).

The other theory that Stathis is explicating takes OM's to be atomic and discrete. In that case they would have to be strung together by some internal reference, one to another. I don't think that's a viable theory since in order to make them atomic, they must have only small amounts of information - when I have a thought it doesn't necessarily include any memory of or reference to previous thoughts. It is also difficult to see how the empirical experience of time can be accounted for in this theory.


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