On 16 Sep 2011, at 21:15, Evgenii Rudnyi wrote:

On 9/15/2011 9:46 PM Bruno Marchal said the following:

On 15 Sep 2011, at 21:01, Evgenii Rudnyi wrote:

On 9/15/2011 7:34 PM Bruno Marchal said the following:
Hi Evgenii,

On 13 Sep 2011, at 21:45, Evgenii Rudnyi wrote:


At present, I am just trying to figure out our beliefs that
make the simulation hypothesis possible.

But this is really astonishing, and in quasi-contradiction which
what you say above. We just don't know any phenomena which are
not Turing emulable. As a theorician, but only as a theorician, I
can show the theoretical existence of non simulable phenomena,
but that really exists only in theory, or in mathematics. Worst,
most non simulable phenomena will be non distinguishable from
randomness, and if we are machine, we will never been able to
recognize a non Turing emulable phenomenon as such. It seems that
the question is more like "how can we believe something non
Turing emulable could exist in Nature".

Let me repeat your statement: "We just don't know any phenomena
which are not Turing emulable." I am not sure that it is so

Ah? You have a counter-exemple?

As I have written, the simulation hypothesis just does not work in

I don't understand what that means.

It means that what you can simulate in practice is actually pretty limited. So when you speak about a counter-example, I do not understand you. Just try to employ simulation in practice and you will immediately see my point.

It is easy to say that everything in Nature is Turing computable. Yet, it is hard to use this statement in practice. Exactly here I see a discrepancy.

Well, after all my example is here


OK. Note that the mechanist hypothesis entails the falsity of the simulation hypothesis. If I am a machine, then the physical universe, actually any physical (and epistemological) things, CANNOT be Turing emulable. Mechanism entails the falsity of the digital physics assumption, and it is an open problem if it does not also entail also the falsity of Deustch Thesis (The thesis that physical things are emulable in polynomial time by a quantum computer). With mechanism we can only hope that the white rabbits are relatively rare, not that they are inexistent.

So I tend to agree with you. As far as I think that mechanism is plausible, I think that we cannot simulate most natural phenomenon. In particular we cannot simulate a brain, seen as a physical object, and that is why we have to choose a level of substitution, and hope our "computations" does not rely on a lower level. Mechanism is just the belief that there is such a truncation level, like we have good evidences that it exists for all organs of the body. There are many strong evidence that indeed biology, by its fuzzy redundancy, does exploit a lot the mechanist truncation of information.

I insist on this: mechanism is the less reductionist hypothesis ever proposed in the human and exact sciences, and it makes almost everything concrete non Turing emulable, except oneself. So, despite many confusions on this, mechanism is almost the opposite of the simulation hypothesis. When you will study the UD theorem, you should understand this by yourself.



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